i recently bought a Surface Pro 11 and since Steinberg already released Windows ARM drivers i also got myself a UR44C.
Everything else is working perfectly but i can´t find a way to disable the direct monitoring
What I tried so far…
Disabling in Cubase in the studio setup section is not possible, since it is grayed out, allthough i have the latest driver (yamaha steinberg usb driver) installed and correctly selected.
dspMix can not be installed since it is packaged with tools for ur-c download that also includes the windows x86 drivers and so i cant start the setup.
Yes, that would be the logical conclusion for me as well. However, direct monitoring has always been active. I have now found a workaround by installing dspmix on the iPad, setting the DAW channel to solo, and saving the settings. Fortunately, the setting remains even when I connect the UR44C to the Surface. I guess the Windows ARM drivers are not fully developed yet, which is why I didn’t have access to the settings in the Studio Settings. And as I mentioned, I couldn’t install dspmix either…
Maybe you don’t understand what direct monitoring is.
It’s the possible control over the monitoring from inside the DAW.
So if it would be enabled, you should be able to control monitoring from DAW.
Asking for dspMixFx isn’t direct monitoring.
So again, what is the real problem?
The issue was that every input always sent the clean signal to my speakers in addition to processed sound. For instance, when using different effects for my guitar or bass I received both signals from the speakers. The recorded sound only the processed one with distortion, etc., but when playing, I heard both signals. Similarly, for my e-drum, which I connected to Inputs 5 and 6, I couldn’t control the signal input with Cub; it was always sent directly to speakers.
The only solution I found so far was using my iPad with dspMix and setting the DAW output to solo. Now I only hear the sound from Cubase and no clean signal.
Still, it is frustrating that the drivers for Windows ARM are not fully functional.unctional.
You need to change that in dspMixFX. I’m afraid there is no other solution.
Just bring the input faders down, don’t use solo.
The solo function will reset after power off.