My issue: The input signal from the USB mic is 100% hot. Regardless of the gain output from the mic (I’ve tried two so far and the same issue on both: Apex555 & SAMSON G Track). The recording signal is 100% digital distortion.
Because it’s happening on two separate mics (and it’s happening in Cubase Artist 7 as well as Garage Band … I have a Mac) it must be in my settings somewhere.
I can’t figure this out…I’ve been searching all the forums, Google, and other search areas.
What I mean (and I’m most likely using the wrong terminology) is that the signal strength in the channel that I’m recording on is full on. Regardless of the gain control on the USB mic (it has a build in audio interface in the mic.).
And when I record the sound/wave file is nothing that I’ve ever scene before.