Use desktop-created templates on iPad

On my iPad, I would like to use a template I created on the desktop version. I have not been able to find where the template files are stored. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.

You canā€™t use user-created project templates in Dorico for iPad, Iā€™m afraid. The best you can do is have the template project file on your iPad somewhere, then when you want to start a new project using that template, make a copy of it in the Files app, then open that file in Dorico for iPad and work on it from there.

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To grab templates from your desktop version, though:
Windows: %APPDATA%\Roaming\Steinberg\Dorico 4\Project Templates
macOS: /Users/your-username/Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Dorico 4/Project Templates/


Thank you both for your replies. They are helpful and will get the job done.

Is this still a limitation? Iā€™m currently just starting on my iPad to compliment the MacBook version and it would be a great qualify of life improvement to say, be able to point the template location to a central cloud location so donā€™t have to manage multiple templates/ files for this kind of thing.

Yes, at the present time itā€™s still not possible to use custom project templates in Dorico for iPad.

Itā€™s about time that a template feature should be available for iPad.
Any news regarding future updates and if this feature is on the developer list?
Best regards - Christoph

The free iPad version mimics Dorico SE and the paid version mimics Dorico Elements. Neither of these permit custom templates.

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Thanks Janus for your response.
That would mean that will never be a template option for iPad then? That would be really sad and not very helpful. I think this feature should be elementaryā€¦ but everybody might have different ideas about that.

Nothing prevents one from creating a file ā€œin oneā€™s own imageā€ and using that as the basis for future projects. Just be sure to Save Asā€¦ before starting to work on each new project.

Just follow @Derrekā€™s advice. That is what we used to do before the Team introduced templates.

Thanks for the feedback and the suggestion. Iā€˜m not sure if I understand correctly. Do you mean having a Doricofile prepared outside of Dorico in the finder and then duplicate it and import it for new projects into Dorico?
Best regards - Christoph

Indeed, you could for example have a folder of custom templates in a folder in your Files app. Before you start a new project, you could open the Files app, find your template project, create a copy of it (you can long-press an icon in the Files app to show a useful pop-up menu of options), give the copy a suitable name, and then open the copy in Dorico. At that point, you have (in a couple more steps than choosing it directly from the Hub) effectively started a new project from a template.

We certainly donā€™t categorically rule out changing the way existing features are distributed between the different versions of Dorico, but as others have said, for right now, custom project templates are a feature only of Dorico Pro, and hence theyā€™re not included in any of the other variants, either on desktop or on iPad.

One could likely use the computer OS to make the faux-template folder read-only once ā€œtemplateā€ files have been installed. That would lessen the chance of overwriting one before executing a Save Asā€¦