Using CC Parameters with Serum in Cubase 14


I’m new to Cubase, and have a question about CC parameters. If I have a Padsmith track, when I am in the MidiEditor I can use the drawing tools to change the note parameters for things like Pan and Master Volume. But when I do the same thing for a Serum track, the playback seems to ignore all the modifications I’ve made, and doesn’t pan, change volume, etc. Do these CC parameters not work on all synths? Or am I doing something wrong with Serum? Thanks!

Correct. Any device that can receive MIDI may choose to implement Control Change messages how they please, or not at all. Although CC#7 is in many cases used by the device to control volume, there is nothing that says it couldn’t control something completely different. You always need to check the documentation.
Perhaps using Automation to directly control VST Parameters is a better choice anyway.

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Thank you!