It depends on the Cubase version. Current Cubase 11 is not supported on Windows 7. Cubase 10.5 is fully supported on Windows 7.
Yes, this is the right way. Install your Cubase to all 3 computers. Where do you plug the USB-eLicenser to, you can start your Cubase.
It depends on the date of the very first activation of the license (your update license to Cubase Elements in this case). If you activated the license at the date (or after) Cubase 11 release (to be precise, after the date, when the Grace Period started; in the last years, Steinberg offers the customers who bought Cubase around 1-2 month before new Cubase release, the latest version).
Trigger the Maintenance task in the eLCC application. If you were allowed get the latest Cubase 11 license, the license would be updated during the Maintenance process.
No, this is totally valid.
You don’t have to switch. Use UR44 as your Audio Device and MODX as your sound generator.
Cary on the USB-eLicenser might be annoying. Consider, if you really need 3 computers. As far as I understood, once of the computer is backup only. In this case, you could use only 2 computers. And you also have 2 licenses (license 1 came with MODX, you updated it to Cubase Elements; license 2 came with UR22). In this case, I would probably install Cubase Elements to the main computer and Cubase AI to the other computer. Then you don’t need to cary the USB-eLicenser on.
Moreover USB-eLicenser free Cubase has been announced by Steinberg. The release date has not been defined yet, but we can expect, it’s coming. So you could stay with this 2 licenses solution without the USB-eLicenser until the time, when Cubase will be USB-eLicenser free. After this, we expect, you will be able to use 1 Cubase license on (at least) 2 systems simultaneously (same as the competitors offer). Then you could install your Cubase Elements to both computer (or maybe even all 3 computers, who knows…?) without caring the USB-eLicenser on.