Using the Marker track?

Hi, working with video for almost the first time. I’m wondering how to create Markers that don’t move relative to bars and beats, but are anchored to a time (seconds, frames). I start the video at 6 seconds, and then want to add markers for hit points, that don’t move when I change tempo and meters.

I’m not finding the solution in the Help manual.


see here: Track Time Base

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Thanks Steve,

I don’t see a way to access a Time base for the Marker track though ?
What am I doing wrong?

The marker track operates with the project time base… you need to set the markers with linear time base and not musical time base
The markers don’t move by changing the tempo. They are on the same position in the “bars and beats grid” with musical time base… your musical context moves in total with tempo changes…
you have to set the tracks to linear time base if they need to be fixed in the time… not in the musical scheme
the button for this is hidden in the marker track by default


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Thanks for your help. Strangly, I’m not seeing that clock icon on my “Cycle” button like in your example, nor the locked icon.

For my Track Control Settings all that should be present, and is for other tracks, on the Inspector. Is this because my “preferences” are different than yours?


Track control settings are different for all track types…
The Marker Track has it’s own settings.

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What Cubase are you using (elements, Artist, PRo )

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I’m on the latest Cubase Pro.

I’m not seeing how or where to change the Marker Track settings…

edit: FOUND IT !
Many thanks to all !!