UV22 dithering - Low or high? when?

I was wondering about UV22 dithering - and his option of low or high dither…

When is recommendable to use low and when high?

Somewhere on this forum forum and a few years back it was explained.

I did not use this option for years now, only when dithering (going from 48 Khz to 44.1 Khz for example or the other way round).
I think it High is an algorythm that leaves more high frequiencies intact, the low should give a little bit darker sound if I recall it correct.

Very briefly, dithering is used to smooth out the digital chatter on the very lowest level audio material, such as reverb tails. It works by adding a tiny bit of random noise to the signal to stop it jumping around at those very low levels. It has nothing to do with tonality of the music. I would guess that low and high are references to the amount of the dithering noise added to the music signal.

Unless you are recording at incredibly low levels in a perfectly silent space and deliberately monitoring the tails very loudly, you will notice no difference because the dynamic range of DAWs is so huge. That’s the range between lowest and highest possible sound level.

Dithering should generally only be applied in the last stage of a recording, such as a mastering process.I don’t know about an advantage of using it as part of changing sampling frequency. I expect someone else will chip in with that info.

Dithering is applied to avoid distortion when lowering bit depth, e.g. 24 bit to 16 bit, not lowering the frequency rate.

Rather than predictably rounding up or down in a repeating pattern, it is possible to round up or down in a random pattern.

Over the long haul this will result in a quantization error that is random — or noise. This “noise” result is less offensive to the ear than the determinable distortion that would result otherwise.

Full information here: Dither - Wikipedia

Hello again guys! thanks for the reply but what I mean whit my question, is about the options in the plugin which have two types of dithering besides 24, 16 and son on, it have also: (Hi and Lo) options

and my wonder is, when is good to use HI, and when LO?

Information about the options is available here: UV22HR

It looks like lo trades more distortion for less noise, and hi does the opposite.

Remember that all of this concerns noise and distortion at very low volume levels, so you won’t hear the difference at 16 bit unless you greatly raise the volume.