Hi Robin, Hi Forum, hope everyone is fine!
The following is a list of notes I wrote down over the years regarding workflow issues and feature wishes. I’ll post them here for discussion in hopes some of it gains traction and gets implemented. Maybe this or that is already there and I just missed it or there are workarounds. In such a case please kindly reply an give a hint,
- with an active multi-selection, it should be possible to additionally preview the mouse over content only in order to hear what will be added to a selection. If I remember right, this was possible in SL V2 or so, when I could preview the future selection only by pressing the “tab” or “esc” key (?)
2.“Round Robbin Key Shortcuts” for example, instead of assigning single keys to each selection tool uniquely, multi assignment options would be nice
3.the upper left “add - substract - ect. from selection” options should be key assignable as well
4.ARA doesn’t work in LogicPro -using SL as external editor via shift+w , multiple region selections should open together in one external temp project and host-update accordingly
5.“Select Similar” doesn’t always work reliably. One of the most superior features compared to other separation software is the option, to exactly specify soundevents. I had complicated cases where I wished, the feature would be smarter. For example, I can phase flip a track on itself in certain ways and might be able to perfectly isolate a given sound at one point somewhere that otherwise isy mixed with similar sounds that never get completely separated by any algorithm. Using the isolated snippet as soundprofile, a learn function that analyses the frequency + dynamic spectrum of it and should be able to listen and same characteristics in the rest of the track. One more extreme example : a clap on top of a snare perfectly unmixed at one timestamp - SL could be "tempo grid aware"and understands when its being told it’s supposed to select exactly this frequency profile potentially on every 2 and 4 instead as “guess-finding” “similars” if that makes sense… would be next level imo
6.“Layer state bounce in place” quickly add an aditional layer to the project bouncing the current project incl. all Layers, selections & Levels ect. keeping everything untouched. Please!
7.some cosmetics: every update results in loss of custom keycommands that need to be default-restored , long Layer filenames should rather display beginning and end instead of as is. The Phase switch also needs to stay visible in compact size view like Mute & Solo, Move Layer/dublicates per drag&drop to other open projects, Previous v10 transient tool worked better, I’d say. (?)
…hope my english is understandable . Loving SpectraLayers !)