I have the same problem. 7.1.35 on a Mac.
Doing starting points for 500+ tracks and remixing 12 hours of a really big movie project within strong deadline - is not funny at all.
Have no ideas what to do.
But are initial values on all parameters controlled by VCA is the solution?
P.S. Great but practically unusable features like Version Tracks (playlists), Virgin territories and now VCA - so sad to imagine what a great program Nuendo could be.
I don’t even bother with VCA’s. The whole thing has been a hugely frustrating waste of time and money.
I’m just using Groups.
It’s weird that I didn’t run into the issue at some point, even when testing. I wonder if it’s a mac/pc issue?
If you already have projects with automation done on them the only thing I can think of is to link the the tracks and do one automation edit instead of several.I suppose you don’t even have to open automation lanes, just enable automation write and do a quick write at the top of the project and that should write to all tracks linked (?).
For all my work I have templates and I took the time to set my tracks up with automation points at the top.
I personally find playlists useful, but I don’t use them the way most people do probably. I “underuse” them. But yeah, VCAs and Virgin Territory not working properly sucks.
Unfortunately groups don’t do what VCAs do, so they’re really no substitute…
Yes, I know that, but it works for me. I lived without VCAs for years so I think I can live without them now, even though I paid for them. If the system were to be proven to be bullet proof it might be a different matter, but even after all this time the system still appears to be flakey.
But are initial values on all parameters controlled by VCA is the solution?
it seems to work… but it means, that only tracks with written Volume automation curves (if only with that sole staring point written) in Read mode are suited to work properly in pair with VCA’s for now… which is limiting and makes the workflow cumbersome and the usage of VCA’s trustless, because there is that feeling of suspicion “in the background” anyway…
Nuendo 8.1 seems to be out and here’s what I read in the Version History:
“Audio channels with no automation but connected to a
VCA are now restored correctly when loading a project.”
So voila! - it seems that this issue has been solved!..
Can anyone using V.8.1 confirm it please? I’m still on the latest V.7 incarnation!
This may help - [CAN-10904] Major VCA fader bug when saved with VCA all the way down! - #27 by allisterbradley - Cubase - Steinberg Forums
2 years on and it seems Cubase 10.5.12 has the same problem (unless someone can enlighten me to another possible cause for the below issue).
Each time I reload my song project, the volumes for each VCA fader in relation to each other seem to change - I’m fed up with adjusting pointlessly so I will go through the exercise to scrap VCA faders and use groups.
The only downside I know of with groups (vs VCA FADERS) is the sends to the reverb on Stereo Out channel will still be heard when group fader is zeroised.
Any solution for this? I’m experiencing this in Cubase 12 unfortunately.