Vertical spacing glitches

I keep having problems with spacing moving on me. This is with spacing between Braced staves at 6 spaces and spaces Inter-system gap at 5 spaces.
Vertical Justification at 40% for both

Is this just a bug - I have system text that use for lyrics cues that I can’t seem to align where I would like - I have to move all of them in each part individually.

Any thoughts?

When I try to switch the Inter-system gap to 4 to close some of those gaps -the whole thing changes and the braced spaces change as well:

If you don’t want to post the file, at a minimum we’re gonna need to see a pic with the Staff Spacing tool active so we can see what manual spacing overrides, if any, you’ve created.


I’m going to guess you’ve created a few here, and that’s jamming up the spacing. Really, stuff like that should be one of your final layout steps, after you’re done with everything else, but perhaps I’m wrong though. If you want a more definitive answer where we’re not just guessing, please post the file.

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Hip To Be Square - E.dorico (3.9 MB)

Here you go - let me know your thoughts.

I was just looking at the margins - I have smaller page margins than Music Frame Margins -
I wanted to maximize the page size so my left and right are .2" each.
I had a larger music frame margin - not sure what that is exactly. Just changed Music Frame Margins to match . . .

I think it’s the rehearsal marks that are having an outsized influence on the estimates of the height for the systems on which they appear, and the result is that those systems end up being pushed further away than they should.

When you’re really trying to squeeze a lot of systems onto the page, I think deactivating Automatically resolve collisions between adjacent staves and systems on the Vertical Spacing page of Layout Options is a good idea. In this way, Dorico will put the systems at the positions determined by the ideal gaps plus the top and bottom music frame margins.

Once you’ve made this change, you should also do Engrave > Staff Spacing > Reset Layout to remove your overrides and get things back to a clean slate before you make any further adjustments.


Thanks - I’ll try that. I am definitely trying to fit a lot into the space. Trying to avoid any blank space on the page ( :wink:)

I have been using Finale since 1995 - close to 3,000 charts done in that - bounced my first one with Dorico yesterday . . .