Vertical zoom via midi fader? And how to see chords in the midi editor?

Hello I have 2 questions that I’d really appreciate some answer to.

First, is it possible to zoom vertically with a midi fader, because I didn’t find an option to do it via mouse. In the project view, there is a fader on the right that let’s you zoom and I figured one might be able to bind this to a fader or sth.

My second question is about midi editing, I’m currently composing a song with very heavy jazz harmonies and I don’t always know the exact name of what I’m playing but I would like to write it down for sketching. In studio one, if you press multiple keys at the same time it would name you the currently input chord. The same goes for when playing back your song and looking at the chords in the editior.
I figured since Cubase can hear chords out of audio now in Cubase 12 that there probably would be this option as well. But I wouldn’t have found it yet.

Cheers to anyone who can help me out there. Thx

No idea on your zoom question.

In the Key Editor if you select multiple Notes it will tell you their Chord Name in the Inspector. You can also show the Chord Track in the Editor.

Also if you change the Note coloring from the default “Velocity” to “Scale/Chords” it will color code the notes based on if they are in the active Scale and Chord.

In the Project Window you can drag a MIDI Part onto the Chord Track and it will create Chord Events.

In the Chord Editor if you have MIDI Input enabled it will show you the Chord when played on your keyboard.



for vertical zoom, you need to be able to send two discrete messages to associate with v zoom out/in.

there is a way to “calculate” direction for a midi fader but it requires some extra programming. there is a way to do it with bome midi translator, there is a finite to infinite pot/encoder tutorial and script on their support forum/youtube. and it works. but bome is a paid product.

if you’re on mac, there is a program called keyboard maestro and on windows, autohotkey, where you can, for example, map ctrl+alt+mouse scroll up/down to the keyboard commands for vertical zoom in/out. thats what i’ve done with autohotkey. its a bit glitchy depending on the situation but works for the most part. also, autohotkey is free but keyboard maestro costs around $40’ish if i recall.

i was looking for a solution to this same issue a couple years ago and these are the only two options i came across.

Hello, thank you for your answer. How do I see it in chord editing, when I didn’t input the chord via chord editing but just played it. How does it analyze it then? It’s empty then (–). Only when I use the arrows from the chord menu and draw in the chord as a whole, then it shows the chord’s name on the left in the highlighted (via red arrow) place.

Now what I did was drag the midi to the chord track which works I guess, but I’d really prefer if I can just highlight the the notes and see the chord. Especially monitoring the chord I’m playing in cubase directly (live). Is that possible also?


thx auto hotkey seems to be worth a try, I could perhaps also use a button to toggle a mouse profile where the mouse wheel is bound to the buttons to zoom vertically no? my mouse is from razer so maybe I don’t need that extra software since I already can bind it but I wouldn’t know how to switch the mouse profile with buttons I already use all my extra mouse buttons for functions I wouldnt wanna miss.


I think it’s very possible AHK can be used to switch your razer mouse profile. I’m not familiar with the Razer software so I don’t know how profile is changed. But with AHK you could, for example, open the program (using “run” or “winactivate” if it’s in the systray) then make the changes with mouseclicks or “controlclick” (basically a macro) on the GUI.

AHK is just a layer of control for non-programmers to access and manipulate windows processes. If you go through some examples on youtube (Juho does a very good tutorial series) and refer to the documentation, it should start making sense to you as you experiment with it. Just start simple.

I just looked at what I’m using and t’s actually just a few lines of very simple code to do this vertical zoom, aside from the setup.

SetKeyDelay, 0
#SingleInstance force
#IfWinActive ahk_exe Cubase11.exe
^!WheelDown:: b
#IfWinActive ahk_exe Cubase11.exe
^!WheelUp:: n

Ctrl+Alt+WheelDown sends keystroke b to vert. zoom out, if you have ‘b’ assigned to vert zoom out in key commands
Ctrl+Alt+WheelUp sends keystroke n to vert zoom in, if you have ‘n’ assigned to vert zoom out in key commands

As you can see from the code, it is very straight forward. The “if winactive” constrains this remapping to only work when a “Cubase11.exe” window is active. The “ifwinactive” at the end turns off these remappings so they work as normal in other programs.

install AHK, copy and paste that code in a file with extension .ahk and run it. let me know if you have any questions about it.

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ok thanks, I used auto hotkey once to rebind keys in a pc game but it’s been a while ;D

I guess steinberg could just add the option to bind “ctrl+alt+mouse wheel” or “ctrl+shift+mw” to scrolling but yea for now I will do this. cheers

Another way to see the chord name is to enable the status line in the MIDI editor. It will show you the name of the chords under the playhead.
I know of no way to have that directly on input, though.

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That’s exactly what I did in the first screenshot I posted.

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I tried this but it doesn’t work for me. Can you please link me the tutorial you used for this.

Basically, it does output the letter that I want but it still considers the Ctrl and Alt or Shift key pressed so it doesn’t work since that isn’t just the letter as an output then. It needs to just output the letter not also the keys that I hold.

I used your script just using a different letter and made my own that just reassigns, both have the same issue.

One time this:

and this:

Thanks for bringing this up.
I’ve been using this with keycommands set up as Ctrl-Alt-b and Ctrl-Alt-n for zoom vertically in/out because, as you realized, Cubase “sees” the Ctrl-Alt and will treat them as pressed down when the b or n passes through.

This has always been a little glitchy but works for the most part. But since you brought this up, I gave it another look and figured out a much more reliable way to send the ‘b’ and ‘n’ so the the Ctrl-Alt aren’t detected as “pressed”. (I cleaned up some of the extraneous lines as well).

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SetKeyDelay, 20  ; you can adjust this up or down in case there are some reliability issues
#SingleInstance force

#IfWinActive ahk_exe Cubase11.exe  ; forces the hotkeys to only work in a "Cubase11.exe" window
mousegetpos, , , win, control
controlfocus, %control%, ahk_id %win%
controlsend,%control%,b, ahk_id %win%  ; sends keystroke 'b'

mousegetpos, x, y, win, control
controlfocus, %control%, ahk_id %win%
controlsend,%control%,n, ahk_id %win%  ; sends keystroke 'n'


Let me know how that goes.

If there’s a tutorial on this, I haven’t found it. Other than the general examples in the AHK documentation itself.

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Since you appearently did script this yourself, can you link me the resource you used to come about it?

I watched some auto hotkey tutorials and it was always some functions like opening browser and websites via hotkeys but nothing this deep and specific (like only working in certain programs).

I will try this out soon^^ I just need to be able to do it myself since I expect to use this function for similar things in the future or fix future issues.

@Lorenz_o I learned a lot from Juho’s AHK tutorials on youtube, in case you havent come across them yet.

Other than that, I refer to the documentation a lot.

The help file that comes with the installation is easier to use. The commands that are in this script are in there and well documented.

I used this script all day yesterday and it works well as long as you click the window you want the controlsend to work on. I was hoping the mousegetpos would force the focus onto wherever the mouse was but it doesnt do it reliably.

Still tweaking this and found changing ^!WheelDown:: to +WheelDown so it’s “Shift+WheelDown” instead, this makes it work as I intended where the keycommand is applied to where the mouse is.

Oh, about the AHK tutorials with browsers. Don’t let that stop you from using those tutorials for Cubase stuff. It’s just a matter of changing the WinTitle to whatever it is for Cubase windows. AHK has “WindowSpy” to help you with this. It comes preloaded in any AHK script you run and you can access it by right-clicking the systray icon for the script.

I’m sorry I couldn’t follow there. What do you mean exactly?

I use shift+mousewheel for horizontal scrolling already which I wouldnt think can be changed so did you mean to use the alt key?
Control+Mw for horizontal zooming so “+WheelDown” wouldn’t be good I’d need “^+WheelDown” Or just !WheelDown would be okay “^+Wheel” is how studio one handles it by default so that’s what I tried but I forgot about alt being unbound so that’s even more convenient I suppose.

re: WindowSpy
Whenever you run an AHK script, it places an icon in the system tray (white ‘H’ on green background, in far right end of Windows taskbar). If you right click that icon, a contextual menu will pop up and there you should see “Window Spy” as a selection. Click that and a new AHK GUI will pop up. If you check “Follow Mouse” in the top right of that window, all the information there will be updated as you move your mouse around. It constantly updates the window information of where your mouse is. Here you can get things like WinTitle, mouse coordinates and Control information that you can use when working on AHK scripts.

re: Shift_MouseWheel
I forgot shift+mousewheel is already assigned to horizontal scroll. I don’t use that so it doesn’t affect my workflow. But I think it does highlight a difference between how Cubase detects Shift and Alt. I think because Alt is a hardcoded function for “Suspend All Channel Linking”, it checks for it more aggressively and places it at a higher priority than Shift. This is probably why Cubase “sees” the single letter keystroke from Shift+Mousewheel and not Alt+Mousewheel.

AHK is really flexible. I think it’s just a matter of finding a way that works with the quirks of Cubase and getting used to it if it’s not already part of your muscle memory.