Vertigo Strings on new Activation system


I’m not sure where to ask this question so I will try here.

I have a handful of VST’s like Vertigo Strings or Zilhouette Strings for example, that I bought long time ago still under the old eLicencer system.
It there a way to move those from my USB Dongle to the new licencer?
Or I am going to loose those instruments if/when my USB Dongle breaks?


Go to “MySteinberg” and select the “Vouchers” tab/button on the left. There should be a list of your updateable products there. Follow the prompts.

Thanks for the reply.
Thing is that I don’t have any upgrade codes for those libraries.
Does it mean I missed it somehow or just those libraries don’t have upgradable licences?

This may be a possibility as not all products have been upgraded. A definitive answer, I think, needs to come from a user of these libraries or Steinberg support.