Vibraphone Pedal Effect?

I’m trying to get a Vibraphone sustain pedal effect to work in Dorico Pro 5, but I’m having no (real) luck. The ones shown in the Pitched Percussion Playing Techniques section don’t make the instrument (NotePerformer 4.5.1) sustain, and there’s no apparent way to edit them so that they do (I tried changing them from “attribute” to “direction,” but that didn’t work). The only thing that works is the piano “Ped” Playing Technique from the Keyboard section, but I don’t want to let my piece go out with that instead of a more common marking. I tried to edit the “Ped” technique and copy its settings to a technique more to my liking, but Dorico won’t let me edit it. Go figure.

Is there any way to get this to work? Please advise, and thanks for your help.

All of the pedal techniques in Pitched Percussion point to pt.SustainPedal. You can just add “Sustain Pedal” to the NotePerformer expression map with On events: CC64 127 and Off events: CC64 1. E.g., I just did that and now I see:

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I have never edited an expression map, ever, so I’m afraid you have me at a bit of a loss here. Where do I begin, if you don’t mind helping me?

No Problem:

  1. Library → Expression Maps

  2. Select NotePerformer in the left pane

  3. In the middle pane, click ‘+’ and find (or search) Sustain pedal, make sure it’s highlighted then click Ok

  4. In the right panel, click CC (left-most button), change the first value (middle column) to 64, last column to 127

  5. Click Off events, click CC, change first value to 64 and second value to 1

  6. Click OK


Thank you! This filled the bill. Using this as a base, I was able to create a derivative of the Sustain pedal effect just for the Vibraphone. Works like a charm. Much obliged!

Thanks for this! Was easy to follow.

The next task for me is to create:

motor fast
motor med
motor slow
motor off

that also play back correctly with NP vibraphone.