Video and audio don't match up when I import a video

Hi Everyone,

I am taking a class on film scoring and one of our assignments is to rescore a scene provided to us. I am working on the scene from Mission Impossible where Tom Cruise is hanging from the ceiling. I’ve imported a few scenes and none of them have had this problem before. The video is lined up with the audio in quicktime player, but not in Dorico. I’ve imported the same video several times, and it keeps disconnecting from the audio. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to fix this?

Thanks to all of you!

Did you set the frame rate correctly?

What format is the video file in? You might try re-encoding it using Handbrake to see whether another codec behaves more sensibly.

If you can’t get any success, please share the video file with us so we can take a look at it: you can use WeTransfer or Firefox Send to send it to me at d dot spreadbury at steinberg dot de.

Also worth cheering that the sample rate in Dorico is the same as the sample rate of your soundcard. We’ve had reports of other apps changing the sample rate so Dorico will still play at the original rate, This could account for video going out of sync