Visibility agent - show folder with their tracks?

Wondering if there was a way to show a folder ( in the arrange window) with all its tracks and be able to create a keyboard short cut for this , many with the project logical editor?

I have folders named - PRC / STRINGS / BRASS …… and so on , I am trying to find away to show just PRC with all its tracks

Of course. Depends on how you want to do it though.

If you’re always using the same names, you could build PLE presets that search for a folder with exactly that name, select the folder and all included tracks, and then as a post process call “Show only selected Tracks” visibility agent. You then assign each PLE preset to a key command and you’re set.

Hit key combination A → See PRC, then undo visibility
Hit key combination B → See STRINGS, then undo visibility
Hit key combination C → See BRASS etc…

Or if you want to be more flexible with names, just use Ctrl F to find the track, and then quickly apply a “Show only selected Tracks”.

For me, speed is a matter of practice really. Stick with a way that feels intuitive and go ahead.


Thank you , I will try that