Visual aid in arrangement window

I’m currently working with a recording where the drummer wants a visual aid of the song arrangement while recording, so what I’ve done is to set up a screen for him that simply shows the same as my main screen and I have a midi track where I’ve just put empty events in different colors. It works pretty ok but he asked if we could also add in some text well but we’d need the text to be pretty big. Any idea how this could be achieved?

I am afraid there is no such thing as a lyrics track if this is what you are asking for. However, here is a feature request for a lyrics track which shows a number of workarounds to add text notes for the time being.

Please, feel free to vote for this feature request if you think this is important to you by clicking the Vote button right at the top left corner of the linked thread.

Not lyrics, he only needs call-outs for the sections like “4/4 double kicks” etc. Basically a marker track would work fine if the font size could be increased (by a lot). I do own VST Live (I use it for backing tracks and video playback) and it’s easy enough to do there, but I can’t really do tracking in VSTL for obvious reasons.

The only track were the latter scale with the track height is the chord track. Sadly, you cannot enter anything but the pre-defined chords there, but maybe if you agree on a few letters (“B” for bridge, “C” for chorus, “E” for vErse ;-)), it could help a bit…

Thanks fese, yes I looked at that quickly and it could work. I think in general it’s a bit of a limitation with the font size in different areas in Cubase, would be really nice if it was adjustable. Especially now in later years when my vision is starting to deteriorate. Never needed glasses in my life, right up until a couple of years ago when I put a pair of reading glasses on for fun and realized what my phone screen ACTUALLY is supposed to look like. :joy:

I hear you :grin:, although I always needed glasses (short-sighted), but with age also comes presbyopia, and now I need special computer glasses, and still Cubase’s font sizes (especially since 13) is so tiny on a higher display resolution, it really puts a strain on the eyes…
I actually opened a support ticket and a thread here (Cubase 14 GUI design regressions) regarding this and other UI issues with Cubase, and it got some traction. So maybe there is hope…