Voices: can I reduce their number?


I often find the piano scores a bit too crowded. Is there any way I can reduce the number of voices? On the screenshot attached for instance: the right hand plays 2 quavers, then other two, but the second pair appears in 2 different voices (stems in opposite directions). There are also way to many breaks, which won’t be there when playing because the pedal will be pushed down for the entire bar. Any help? Thanks.
Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 19.33.04

Ciao @stefanomatteucci

Select the bar in the upper staff, right click, Voices/Change voice/Up Stem Voice 1 (this will assign all to the choosen voice)

To eliminate the rests and prolong the notes (in upper staff for example) , select the passage you need and use: menu Write/Edit Duration/Extend to next note (this will prolongate the notes and eliminate the gap rests).

The other rest in the lower staff are caused by other voices in the bars before and after. Without context is difficult to see from where they come. But you can select them and choose menu Edit/Remove Rests

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Or select the last note of the additional voice in a previous bar of the lower staff that’s causing the rests and set the attribute ‘ends voice’.

This is a very useful feature.

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the Remove Rests command activates this very same options (Start Voice, End Voice) in the appropriate places automatically. Sometimes the commands Start Voice, and sometimes End Voice will not work, if applied directly in some complex cases:

Thanks for that!

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