Volume automation in an audio track

I am working on a song consisting of live instruments and playback tracks (different audio tracks). If I don’t want to hear an audio track for its entire length, I can mute it. This is well known.

But if I only want to hear different parts of an audio track, the other parts have to be faded out. In Cubase, I solve this with an automatic function where the fader automatically goes to zero at the relevant points.

How does this work in VST Live?

… here’s a description how it be done

  1. Start VL, New Project, Select TRACKS
  2. Add an Audio Track and import an Audio File
  3. Add an Automation Track and select the Audio Track as the Input Device
  4. Open Mapping an Select Volume
  5. Create a Clip from 2.1 to 3.1
  6. Open the Automation Editor, take the Line tool and draw an automation.

That would look like this

Use also could enable the "W"rite Control in the Automation Track, start Playback, change the Volume of your Audio Track and record your automation.

See you,

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Another method could be to chop the audio into events and use the events’ fade in/out.

many thanks for this cool tutorial!!!