Dear VST Developers,
Steinberg Media Technologies today releases the VST SDK 3.7.13
Here’s a brief overview of changes:
Version 3.7.13 (2025/02/28)
Interface changes:
- Update doc about pluginterfaces/gui/iplugview.h. See VST3 forum.
- Add more information for each VST 3 API function about threading and state context.
- Audio Unit:
- AU/AUv3 Wrappers:
- Fix crash running AGain AUv3 thru auval (public.sdk/source/vst/auv3wrapper/Shared/
- AU Wrapper:
- AU/AUv3 Wrappers:
- Audio Unit:
- Add support of Vst:: IAudioProcessor::setProcessing in most of the plug-ins, demonstrating how this function can be used (e.g., cleaning delay lines, killing voices, etc.).
- Update Hostchecker plug-in:
- Redesign the UI.
- Add check of COM correct behavior when calling queryInterface ().
- Add check for ProcessContext::systemtime of continuity.
Helpers classes:
- Fix in openurl.cpp openURLInDefaultApplication returns wrong result on macOS and Linux.
- Fix vst3_public_sdk/source/vst/hosting/module_linux.cpp: Plug-in bundles with an extra dot in the name fail to load with the Hosting::Module class (Issue#73).
- Fix -Wundef warnings (PR#75).
- Fix HostApplication::queryInterface – mPlugInterfaceSupport Query Interface should use “_iid”, not “iid”(Issue#131).
- Fix seek to the end + add new function take allowing to take the memory out of the stream: public.sdk/source/vst/utility/memoryibstream.h.
VST3 Project Generator v2025.02:
- Fix: Only add SMTG_PREFIX_FOR_FILENAMES_CLI argument when not empty.
VST3PluginTestHost v3.9:
- Fix add parameter changes to output parameter queue so that the edit controller will see the change.
- Fix use parameter step count for program change calculation.
The SDK can be downloaded here:
Online documentation available under:
VST - VST 3 Developer Portal (
Your Steinberg Team