VST Live 2.0.23 Pre-Release online

Hi Friday,

a new Pre-Release is 2.0.23 online.

You can download it here . You also can find a Version History there. If you found new bugs or bugs which are not fixed, please create a new thread and title it with [2.0.23].

New Features

Actions : MIDI Panic
It’s finally there. MIDI Panic is now available as an Action

App : DMX Setup
All USB-DMX interfaces are now configurable in the DMX Setup. The configuration will be stored and restored.

App : DMX Monitor
In some situation it’s important to see all DMX messages. Here’s the Monitor for it.

App : Virtual DMX Cable
Yes! 8 Virtual DMX Cables are ready to use.

App : Compensate Track Inserts Delay
You have an Insert Plug-In in an Audio-Track with a Delay? Here comes the function to calculate the compensation

Layer : Global Visual Octave/Transpose Control
Some versions ago Global Octave/Transpose Actions were added. Here are the visuals now.

Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 16.28.17

Preferences : Global Octave Control for Layer
And the new Global Octave Control is also available in the Preferences

Tracks : Track Delay for Video Track
And finally the Track Delay control is also added to Video Tracks

… a lot of new features. But we did not forget to keep fixing and improving. The DMX Engine Play- and Record engine has been improved. Give it a try. DMX Interfaces should now work again. Open the DMX Setup and choose your protocol. If a cable is still not working? Please tell us the cable.
… and the new Multi-Processing option has been improved, too.

Have a nice weekend,


I noticed that in version 2.0.23 the octave functions do not work well, they shift by 1 semitone instead of 12 and have another annoying problem that if it is changed during the performance with the notes pressed they remain open and continue to play infinitely until they press again and you have to use panic to stop them.

Hi @Spork ! Thanks for the update! Usb dmx finally work!!! Ps: i spy a little Artnet button in your picture that is not in this update… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:!

Hope next update we can set artnet input/output ip !!! I’m trying to send QLC+ artnet output on to record on artnet input on vstlive same computer, but vst live don’t receive artnet on localhost (neither setting qlc artnet out on or on my local net IP x.x.x.255 that is broadcast ip for my local network). It works regularly if i use qlc on another pc on the same network that send to x.x.x.255.

Other way around, sending on artnet out from vstlive and receiving on x.x.x.255 in qlc works!

Ciao, Ciro.

Midi Panic it’s OK!!!

WOW! You guys have been busy. Nice one!

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Wow! :star_struck: this could be the one.
if all checks out ok, i`m jumping from 1.4.63 straight to 2.0.23
Really looking forward to finally getting on with using the USB DMX.

Well excited!!!

Thanks for all your hard work guys.

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Spork, you’re the man! Thank you for the excellent work!

… sorry, fixed. Ready with the next version.

… we’ll analyse it.


… excellent.



Thank you.