VST Live 2.0.6 Pre-Release

Hi Friday,

a new Pre-Release is 2.0.6 is online.

You can download it here . You also can find a Version History there. If you found new bugs or bugs which are not fixed, please create a new thread and title it with [2.0.6].



There are still 2 small things really annoying for my workflow:
1- Focus control window does not remember it´s position when saving a project
2- When the Focus window is active the space bar (start/stop: the most important shortcut) looses focus and stops working.
I guess this is easy to solve, please take a look.

@diegoalejo15, thank you. We’ll check!


Audio to midi plugins midi output still not available to route to a stack.

Hi there,

I have various massive problems with version 2.0.6.!

Our songs all have the same track structure.
We started our work with VSTL with Version 1.3. and we were happy with the performance in terms of audio and video. Midi was a problem from the start with the timing and lost data.

We want to control our devices completely via MIDI. To keep the editing of the MIDI tracks simple, each device has its own MIDI track and port. At the beginning of each song we transmit program changes at the same time.
The result: Lost commands and timing problems.
The first thought was, ahhh!.. Buffer overflow in the USB2MIDI interface!
We tested different USBtoMIDI interfaces with the same result. We checked the USB data transfer between the computer and the MIDI interface.
Result: The lost data was not sent to the interface. This problem is incomprehensible.
example: PLAY → The mixing desk have got an PC. (The Mixer is the first in the
command queue.) all other devices no PC’s
THEN STOP, STOP, PLAY The first and the third device have got an PC!
THEN STOP, STOP, PLAY All devices have got an PC!
NEXT SONG PLAY The first and the second device have got an PC!..

Now we transmit program changes to the devices with 4 video frames delay between the commands. This is an old and poor solution, but so far it has worked almost perfectly for us until V2.06.

I’ve updated our computers (win and mac) with the new beta version.
All MIDI events are shown in the List editor with the timestamp 00:00:00:00.
They are displayed correctly in the timeline on Mac. I can drag and drop them
to any place, but the time stamp remains to 00:00:00:00 in the editor.
MIDI Outs are a messed up again. The project works fine in V1.4

Now we’ve also a problem with the video tracks. The videos are no longer displayed reliably after loading a song. Sometimes the video is shown, sometimes not. The same videos! Same resolution, same render preferences.
Just 720i

As for MIDI message problems, pls try again with the upcoming prerelease (most probably, tonight).
Video problems are known but still pending, we are close to resolving all of those, but the fixes could not be implemented right now in a stable manner. We will possibly provide an extra prerelease for that.

Thank you ! Looks cool so far!
As long as the video problem exists, I will go back to version V1.4.7 for our rehearsels.
By the way… As the initiator of the decision to switch to VSTL, I had to pay for the beer last Sunday! Do I have a wish now?

Hi @diegoalejo15,

… this one should already be fine with 2.0.10

… and this one should be fine with the next Pre-Release.

If you could have a try with the next Pre-Release? That would be great.

Thank you,

correct, thanks!

We feel for you :slight_smile:

Pls check video again with the next version, thanks!