HI Musicullum, you’re welcome and thanks for your interest in my ideas. There are 2 basic things I can think of first and to get it run. (sorry this one is gone quite large)
- Syncing to another app
- flexibel internal and external routing of Audio and MIDI (eg. CC)
In my use case it would be - NI Maschine (internal):
A sync is propagated via VST interface. VST Live Project is controlling speed and transport for NI Maschine. Done.
routing audio:
An VST-app like Maschine, offering 4 stereo inputs and 16 stereo outs as an VST instrument***) misses a smart interface representing these features for flexible routing (no DAW I know does either in a smart consistent way *).
-2a) May it be a good idea to offer those Machine in and outs directly to the central mixer for flexible routing possibilities (very flexible and maybe dangerous for audio feedback. ;-))?
pros: no change to layer, stack modules, (automatic) creation of busses *) for active VST Instruments inputs? Automation possibilities, sending up to 4 dedicated mix(es) for Maschine In(s) , switching inputs can be implemented into the mixer + use of automation features of VST Live to switch those inputs
cons: mixer I/O management needs an addition
-2b) a audio routing VST plugin for audio inserts as an alternative?
(it should handle all activated audio in and outs - hardware + mixer, communicates with layer, stack, mixer in a final step -
FOR NOW: mixer in/outs would be good)
-2c) 2nd step: a MIDI interface/Automation for a selection of audio inputs (busses) to step through for this VST plugin 2b)
pros: no change to mixer, layer, stack module; use it in stacks or mixer inserts; use just an output in a group for a buss like usage (like audio injection).
cons: can it be realized? (VST3 limitations?), control(Automation) from VST Live may be difficult/limited?
example use case:
generate/use one stereo mixer bus directly from an Maschine input for a live sampling buss mix and/or use an audio in-out router as VST in an insert slot and redirect it to another machine audio in-out chain for live audio mangling.
For Maschine there are already 4 static stereo busses for live use!
But if (mixer) automation comes in place, well … (maybe later)
there is only that switching of inputs/busses for Maschine to select an audio source on the fly with Controller (ref. 2b. VST plugin) I’m after for now. (not possible with a side chaining work a round for audio in!)
For general use and with external apps/gear
- Ableton link would be a must have. (link to Serato, VirtualDj, Traktor …) **)
- routing can also be done external via sound card (afain this is completely implemented, maybe think of that 2b) Plugin for external audio, too or an implementation of this switching feature in the VST Live mixer for a buss - with automation?)
For MIDI input switching an audio chain for sound mangling to external gear would just need a MIDI Interface + DJ (MIDI) surface, or a USB controller, this switchable VST Live mixer buss or this plugin 2b) for external audio (via sound cards). Done.
A necessary re-sync button for Ableton link via MIDI. MIDI is done externally with old school cables. or one can think of WIFI, which would need extra gear (a native Apple protocol is already part of OS for MACs), is this MIDI port working in VST Live? A PC need extra software, which is available) and finally network capable DJ devices (eg. VirtualDJ?)
*) my opinion - to VST audio inputs/outputs in general: Why not making all in and outs available to the mixer. Switch one off/hide, for no need, good.- it makes no sense, complicating things - there is one central place for audio management - a mixer! I really can’t think of, why this is not already done(not done any more) in those well known DAWs! (Or did I miss something?)
**) I saw this one several times in other feature-requests. (I know, now one else could change tempo… is the tempo track still in charge … but if there is a freedom of tempo for a musical “live” performance, everything else should follow… light, Video, Text, etc. … VST Live)
***) Could it be that: A Definition of an VST instrument (VST3) is without audio Inputs, so as an result samplers, modular systems (eg. reaktor) and other creative sound mangling or sound generating instruments are not directly represented in the VST world now? Hm.
Conclusion for my needs - Step 1:
Only more flexible routing opportunities (audio, MIDI) with audio switching automation to an Maschine input buss will do.
Ideas are adds to the VST Live mixer or a new VST plugin.
Conclusion in general - external apps/gear: - Step 2:
Ableton link for a first step will be fine, when Step 1 is already realized.
Thanks and cheers