Vst live pro 2

I currently use a laptop with presonus studio one 5 pro ,presonus vsl 1818 audio interface sgear guitar plug in a Kemper profiler and tc helicon voice live 3 for live performance in a duo.
I want to set up Cubase vst live pro 2 to take over the live performance duties.
On the current setup I have one audio backing track lane with the many songs bass drums etc another audio track for the live guitar input which uses the scuffham sgear guitar amp sim, (for my duo partner ) another track to control the patch changes for presets on the sgear amp sim. Another 3 controller tracks ,one to switch presets on a kemper profiler ,one to switch presets and turn on vocal harmonies on the tc helicon voice live 3. Everything is automated so I can concentrate on the performance.
I also have audio tracks for the live vocal and kemper gutar tracks so I can record the entire performance and check it after.
I have a Keith mcmillen softstep midi controller pedal which stops starts songs amongst other things.
I’m sure I can achieve all of this with Cubase vst live 2 but there is a distinct lack of support and video content from steinberg on the subjects to achieve what I need from the program, in fact I think that’s why the program is not so popular and will not gain any ground against the competition.

Hello and welcome, @Greeny1,

first of all you should try out the “VST Live 2” demo. The demo period runs 4 weeks. Enough time to test your setup and to request workflow questions here. This forum has a very good community. And we all are trying to answer fast.

It’s very important. There is “Cubase” and “VST Live” . Two different products. And I guess you are talking about “VST Live”.

… there is a TRACKS feature to run background Tracks (MIDI, Audio, DMX, …).

… there is the STACKS feature. That’s made for such kind of workflows.

… there are Automation Tracks which can control every public Automation Parameter of a Plug-In.
… if the Plug-In accepts MIDI-In, you also could create a MIDI Track and control the Plug-In Parameter with that track.

… this should be possible. But we would know which way you are currently control them.

… there is a feature to record the complete Performance.
… but you can record Audio Tracks with their input only, too.

… VST Live has a feature called “Actions and Shortcuts”. There are Actions to control Song switches. And those actions can be controlled with any MIDI controller.

… we are here. Just write your questions and I’m sure you’ll get an answer in time.

See you,

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Hi Michael,
Thanks for the info,I’m aware of the different layers ,tracks stacks etc ,but they don’t seem as straight forward as the manual explains
I already own the vst live 2 pro ,I also have cubase 13 ,presonus studio one 5 pro, I’m quite experienced at using cubase I’ve had it since the early years . I have figured some things out .

… I see. Just throws your questions here, and I am pretty sure you’ll get them answered in time.


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Hi Michael,
I have a major problem with the setup of my audio interface. I select my interface in the hub and set the corresponding output as I would using Cubase or any other daw. If I then add an audio track select the input my guitar is connected to on the interface (input 1) and the main stereo outputs then hit the monitor icon to hear the sound from the guitar input there is nothing but an extremely loud white noise and the guitar signal does not come through,I have also tried it using the stacks option with the same result.
I don’t get what’s going on I’m an experienced Cubase user and something so simple as routing my audio interface just isn’t working.
The interface and its drivers are fine as I use it with Cubase 13 and presonus studio one 5 pro with no issues.
Any ideas.?

Can you take screenshots from all your settings maybe the problem will be revealed?

We cannot reproduce this problem with our interfaces and systems.

Which one? presonus vsl 1818?

What is the name of that input?
We need more information to help you.

And we don’t even know what platform (Windows, Mac) you are on, and lastly, we’d need to know which version of VST Live you are using (please try this first, you can always roll back). If you mentioned any of that somewhere else forgive us, but we get so many requests it leaves no time to rush through all posts.

If the problem persists, pls show us screenshots of Devices/Connections/Audio, and the Mixer, thanks.

Windows 11 desktop pc , also ASUS rog flowz z13 windows 11 laptop. Latest version of vst live 2 pro.
In the photo you see the connection mic /inst 1 ,you see a signal registering on fader 1 from my touching the guitar cable. You can see the correct routing on the hub and the selected inputs and outputs on the connections tab.
In the last photo you see the added audio track with the mic/ inst 1 for input and the stereo output, with the monitor icon selected on track 1 you see there is a strong signal,this is all from the noise being generated., even unplugging the guitar cable it s just the same.
I’ve tried with two different windows 11 pc and 2 different audio interfaces with the same results.
I cannot see any obvious mistake in my setup, I use the same interface ,drivers with cubase 13 and I also use it with presonus studio one 5 professional (last pic) for live performances with midi cc sent to outboard gear and internal vst plug-ins with no issues, it is this presonus live setup I want to replace with the cubase vst live program.

I’m not sure if it’s your issue or not, but in vst live you have it set for 48k, where in the audio box setup it says 44.1

That’s just an earlier picture where it was set at a different rate. I’ve tried with them both synced at 44.1 and 48 hz and nothing changes.

I can’t help with this particular issue but I do want to just add some words of encouragement - I too struggled with the manual and the lack of detailed videos on line. BUT, after getting my head around the difference between this app and a DAW ( I am also a Cubase user from before it was Cubase, and use Studio One Pro in my studio) I’m finally getting to love VST L2.

This forum is also one of the main reasons I’ve stuck with it (and yes I tried to woefully inadequate and stagnant “Show” page in Studio One) - I’ve had a lot of help here, so just ask your questions, there’ll be a solution.

I am am now starting to build a very complex multimedia show around VSTL2, which will launch in the summer.
As a Dorico user, I can tell you that the fact that the devs for both VSTL2 and Dorico are highly active on their respective forums is a huge incentive to go with these apps over the competition. VSTL2 does require a different mindset to get it up and running, but once you get your head around the methodology it starts to make sense. Same happened with Dorico, coming from Sibelius it seemed illogical - but the opposite is true. Innovation sometimes takes a few attempts to see where it’s going.
Courage mon brave !

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Hi @Greeny1,

we’ll try to get this interface and we’ll investigate your problem. Please give us a bit.

See you,

Hello @Dr_Scardo,

Thank you for your nice message :slight_smile:

Have a nice day,

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You don’t need to proove anything, we do beleive you.

The problem is for us to get this reproduced, so that we can find the culprit. As we don’t have acces to your setup, and neither have had this case in any of the many tests we made, only you can help us narrow the cause.

Once the noise appears, if you disable and re-enable the audio input, does the noise disappear? So when noise is happening, go to Connections and set the input in question to , then back - noise gone/came back? Also any routing activity that changes the behaviour. And most of all, try to reduce to the bare minimum necessary to make it appear.

Thank you ,very much appreciated. I do believe once I get past the issue of getting sound in through the audio interface vst live will give everything I require for my live performances.
The presonus audiobox vsl series of interfaces is quite old now , I’m wondering if it could be a driver issue with vst live ,although as I say it works with Cubase 13 and presonus studio one.
I want to add that if I import an audio file to a track it plays through the stereo outputs ,it’s when I add an input from the audio interface and select the monitor icon I get the terrible noise.

Unfortunately, I have to agree with you - the product has a great potential but is unstable and support not forthcoming. I have been trying to get online tutorials (except for the shallow ones on Youtube) and unsuccessful todate - but I love it. I had to abandon my Studio One 5.5’ SHow Page because of its limitations, which are now addressed by Steinberg’s VST Live Pro 2. I am new on this great product

Hello @Mpheteng,

This Forum community is very active. If you have any questions, problems or suggestions, please create a new thread and tell us about it. I am sure there will be an answer in time.
Beside this we are (trying) to release every Friday a new Pre-Release. Make sure that you are working with that one. You can find out more here and here.

See you,

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thanks Michael - noted