VST Quick Controls - delete, disable, destroy

Hi peoples,

I’ve got a VST synth that seems to have VST Quick Controls hard wired to it.

Even if i do: studio setup > VST Quick Controls > midi input = not connected, it still takes CCs from my USB midi controller and maps them to knobs in my VSTi.

Is there any way to, once and for all, delete, disable or destroy VST Quick Controls? I don’t want to use them!

I’m on Cubase 9.5


Are you sure you aren’t confusing VST Quick control and Track Quick Controls?

Well i’m not sure any more.

I think it is indeed Track quick controls.

But the problem is the same: even if i do: studio setup > Track Quick Controls > midi input = not connected, it still takes CCs from my USB midi controller and maps them to Track Quick Controls (and so to knobs in my VSTi)

So i don’t understand why, if midi input = not connected, why does my hardware midi controller knob still move the track quick control slider?

there is an enable/disable QC button on the QC tab. I believe you can save that with a template so when you reload it is always off. I think the configuration is only there if you want to override the “automatic” setup. I have a CMC-QC and a 2nd device set up for VST QC, so hard for me to set up all the possible scenarios to turn it off.