Vst2 workaround for ver 13?

hi i need to get some vst2 plugins I use working in v 13, (windows 11), current workaround is using cb pro 11 just for that and then exporting to audio back into 13. Tried the bluecat patchwork but it had audio drop outs and notes would hang at times, its Kontakt 5 with some strings plugins that wont work in later version of Kontakt anoyingly. For now I am just using ver 11 when I need to use these but an option for 13 would be nice if ever possible, thanks

have you used jBrige? its the one I use for opening VST2 plugins

VST2 is still working in Cubase 13.

Bidule is really nice to have in the tool box, and it can host VST2 stuff while being hosted in a VST3 host. Works as both an instrument and effect slot plugin, in stand alone, or with your rewire hosts. Can also bridge CLAP, and of course AU for Macs.

It’s a heck of a lot more than just a plug-in chainer and bridge. Major Swiss Army knife of a plugin.

Can you please change your topic title from “vst2” to “32 bit plugins”? Because that is what you actually mean.