I hope anyone can help me as it is annoying me this one.
I have installed Cubase again, and every-time I startup my computer upon login i see the following:
Brians-MacBook-Pro:~ brianvassallo$ /Applications/Cubase\ LE\ AI\ Elements\ 11.app/Contents/Components/VSTPlugManager.bundle/Contents/Resources/vst2xscanner ; exit;
vst2xscanner: illegal usage
usage: vst2xscanner -p pluginPath
Saving session…
…copying shared history…
…saving history…truncating history files…
Therefore despite the line there showing ’ Illegal usage’ which I do not know what it means, and despite all my plugins are legit,
I wish to have this whole notice to disappear upon login, instead of closing the terminal manually every time.
Please note that I have not installed the cubase bundle, and Halion, as I am using only my purchased 3rd party plugins.
Maybe there is a folder with cubase bundle still on my computer despite not downloading it and I have to go there and delete it?
Much appreciated
Brian Vassallo