Just wondering if there are pointers in how to use the monitoring VSX headphones in Wavelab. At the moment i’m using them as plug in and then when i render i take them out of the plug ins section completely.
Wavelab has a section for output processing (bottom right of output section) if inserted here it will not get rendered. I’m not in front of my pc so can’t give you exact instructions but it does work as I use sonarworks on it.
Many Thanks I’ll have a look now.
Thanks, I only have the Elements version so I can’t do that.
Thanks for the help anyway
Thank you, this was just the thing I needed. For anyone who comes here for this, if you cant see the VSX PlugIn in the Playback Processing Area, go to Preferences>Plug Ins, extend the Steven Slate Folder tick to make it available. Phew, I worried I would have to build a studio!