As my idea of fun, I thought I’d type up the music for Siegfried’s Funeral March - partly to hear what NotePerformer would make of it, and partly as an exercise in music that’s outside my usual rep.
Also, someone was talking recently about the utility of having sample scores for testing speed issues, etc.
Anyway, here are the notes. I’ve not really done much with the layout. One problem is that Dorico only condenses the first instrument of a Single Player, and I’ve put all the different transpositions of Horns, Trumpets, etc, into one Player each. I leave better solutions as an exercise to the reader.
I used the Eulenberg score that’s on IMSLP, and consulted the Peters full opera score to check for errors and clarifications (of which there were several).
Might make an interesting study to see how the new NP does with this on BBC SO core or the like. (Will have to be someone else; I don’t have any fancy libraries.)
Here’s the BBCSO Pro rendering (I confess I gently used two compressors in series to tame the dynamics down a bit, Amek mastering compressor and Elysia alpha master, they’re quite transparent and do the job perfectly AFAI am concerned) : Wagner Siegfried Funeral notes - Trauermusik beim Tode Siegfrieds BBCSO Pro
Just for comparison, here is CSS (with BBC Core percussion). The only change here from the default NPPE template is replacing the default reverb with Altiverb Berlin Philharmonie and activating Pitch Contour Emphasis
Very grateful for this. I’m curious to know how long it took. And, whatever the answer, how would it compare to doing it with a scanning program and correcting all the errors?