Waveform Display in Automation area Ignores Chosen Lane

Until very recently - I’m not sure which Cubase 10 version, the wave form that is displayed in the automation area (volume for example) accurately updates/changes depending on which Lane is chosen from a multi-lane channel.

Now all that happens is that the automation area shows ALL wave forms from all Lanes.


Reported to Steinberg.

This is still an issue in 10.0.30.


Yes, confirmed.

Still an issue in 10.0.40.

This is STILL an issue in 10.0.50.

It’s been 9 months!


It has not been announced as fixed.

Same thing occurs in Cubase 10.5.0!

I’ve tried telling everyone from Yamaha Australia, to Steinberg customer service and this thread/forum as well.

Is it possible this has just been forgotten about? It’s so messy when working with lanes (especially vocals) and automation.

Still occurring in 10.5.10 … two releases into this new version and a full 12 MONTHS after posting here.

It makes drawing finely detailed automation lines in vocal takes much more difficult.


It’s not mentioned in the Version History as fixed. So I wouldn’t expect the fix.

Btw, I would say it’s like this since ever. It is it new in Cubase 10?

Previous versions of Cubase (since lanes came in) had correct display - only since one of the updates in Cubase 10 did it stop displaying correctly.

The time it’s taken to get from you reporting it to Steinberg to still having no solution (and seeing all waveforms is absolutely not helpful when drawing automation) is pretty frustrating. I know they haven’t listed it in the bug fixes, but I can’t believe that they haven’t even addressed it.


I have just tried in Cubase 10.0.5 (the very 1st 10.0.x public release) and Cubase 9.0.40 (last Cubase 9.0.x release). It looks the very same in all these versions.

Yeah I can absolutely recall it working perfectly, but I don’t know which version and don’t keep old versions on my machine.

In any case - whether it worked or not is probably irrelevant … it shouldn’t display an overlapping multi-wave form in the automation area. It means you can’t accurately plot stuff.

New bug or old bug - still a bug.

Any news on whether this will actually be addressed?

I can’t be the only person using lanes and automation and noticing that the waveform is a jumbled mess.