Wavelab 12 - 'Play all title starts and ends' - am I missing something here?

I recently watched Andrew Blake’s video on this feature and just in time as I’m creating an album montage. I created the album and put 3s between each track to start; I adjust each transitions later. Then I tried out this feature. I was surprised to see that the feature ‘jumped’ over the pause times instead of playing through them. This is obviously defeated the purpose of ‘hearing’ the transitions in real time. Am I missing something? Help is always appreciated.

This is a good question. The options you mention are primarily to play the end of a title, and then the start of the next title. This is not to play the transition between the title, as the pause is skipped.
However, you can achieve what you are looking for by using the option “Play All Title Starts” and a long “Pre-roll” (and with the option “Play All Title Ends” OFF). Like this:



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Yes, I like it; it’s a very simple solution. Thank you so much for your time. …really fast response. I’ll use this on my subsequent projects. Thanks again.

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Hi, in the german version the entry “Alle Titelanfänge” (Play All Title Starts) is doubled …
but there is no “Alle Titelenden” (Play All Title Ends).

Thanks for your report. This will be fixed in the next minor update.