I set up a new windows machine last month, a spiffy 7945HX & RX 7600M XT on Windows Pro. But my WL is crashing almost every time I switch to the desktop, or to another application. It doesn’t matter if I have plugins loaded or not.
Ive updated the BIOS, updated all the drivers. Any ideas my friends?
According to the settings in the audio connections, WaveLab can enable or disable the audio driver when the WaveLab application loses or gains focus.
This could be your case. So, look at the preferences and, if it’s enabled, try to disable this option.
On Windows, you can generate a crash dump from WaveLab by following these steps:
While holding down the Alt key, select Global Preferences from the WaveLab menu with the mouse.
This action reveals a new tab named Diagnostics, where you can enable several features.
Activate the option Enable crash report, then quit and restart WaveLab.
If a crash occurs, a crash dump is generated, and a dialog prompts you to save it.
No, it says there is an attachment, but I don’t see any. When I search for the crash report name “WaveLabPro12_error_report_250320-153437” I cant find it on my HD
I got your report, thanks. The bad news is that they don’t speak. I have no clue why this happens. Actually, there is a hint about the screen DPI, but apparently, you seem to have a single standard screen. Hence, this is not really a hint. However, this could suggest something related to your video card driver. Try to update it.
Have you installed some system-wide utility that could interfere?.. yes, because at least you are using Trello. Try to quit Trello and see if the problem still happens.
I got your latest crash dumps, but they are all more or less alike.
It’s as if a system-wide utility were modifying something in the main window of WaveLab.
Thanks for looking at them. I’m not hearing any suggestions to diagnose or fix this issue. Am I just faced with a brand new machine that constantly crashes, or is my only option to look for another PC? I actually posted this configuration earlier before I purchased it to make sure it would be a good match for WL, and at the time, you said that should be great. I’m a bit confused at where to go from here
No, because this is a software issue, not a hardware issue.
System installation is not my specialty, but one solution would be to reinstall Windows. Then, before installing any other applications, install WaveLab. If the issue occurs at this stage, it strongly suggests a driver problem, or more likely, a video card utility installed simultaneously with Windows. However, I consider this possibility to be low.
Next, install your other applications one by one, testing WaveLab after each installation. This method should help you identify the cause.
It was a factory fresh machine, and wavelab was the only application I put on the machine besides the plugins.
But if you don’t think it’s the hardware, then I suppose I can try to do a clean install and reinstall everything again if you think that could possibly help this situation.