just grabbed the zip for you - Smash (only active for 7 days)
to be fair I just put the ftp://ftp.steinberg.net/Archives/WaveLab/WaveLab_4/WaveLab_4.0.1.B/WaveLab_401b_Patch.zip into the 1st box of the quick connect section on FileZilla, and it connected, then I could direct to the file you needed to download
Thank you Alex you are an angel …
I was so happy to open your file…
but unfortunately even though I installed it, the problem remained. Wavelab when I try to open it, still closes after 3 seconds
One explanation might be that it might not be finding the license? That will cause WL to quit.
Other than that, maybe the latest Windows 10 updates on the re-install no longer support 20 year old (?) WL4.
Hi Paul,
it shouldn’t be about licensing because Wavelab was going regularly until recently…
Unless it’s because of some window update that has happened these days.But it seems strange to me that Window makes one of its classic changes and useless updates precisely in those days that it would have been better to stay still and quiet
Have you checked to make sure your “ELicenser” is connected and working. It could be a bad USB hub or your computer is turning off your USB power for some reason. Best of luck!
I never had the USB key for eLicencer…
At the time of my wavelab4 there was not …
If I understand correctly, that system started from wavelab 6.
But with wavelab4 there isn’t.
I dont know, maybe i should ask directly to Steinberg how can i have a new clean file for install Wavelab 4 again?
Or maybe i can ask them for a younger verson? (wavelab 5 or 6)?
I just checked and i only found a Wavlab 3 activation code.
Really ancient… maybe it was for the Commodore 64…
So I guess I’ll have to pay for it…
Considering what you are going through I suggest you just “bite the bullet” and upgrade to a more modern version of WL. You will be very pleased at what WL has become. If you are trying to save money I understand. Lots of people have given suggestions to you which for the most part you have ignored. Time for action is NOW. FWIW
I didn’t ignore any suggestions.
Indeed i very much appreciated and I tried to try all the suggested solutions but to no avail.
Since I have problems with that very old version of wavelab (almost archaeological) it would be normal not to have help, because it is really too old.
So I really appreciate being considered.
The only problem is I just haven’t solved it.
And I’m a little annoyed just because something that worked perfectly one day before no longer works the next day.
Let’s think about Microsoft that everything it touches becomes poop.
Excuse the word.
So maybe i was just unluky that in these weeks window 10 is “improved”.
So improved that some software don’t work fine anymore : ))
For this reason, not seeing a solution, I thought of buying or upgrading to a slightly newer version of Wavelab to be able to work with it.
PS In addition to not wanting to change the familiar platform of the old Wlab, another reason is I still consider “Loudness maximizer” unsurpassed and irreplaceable even though it is more than 20 years old.
Can you Roll back your windows machine to a date you know it was working with a restore point? And cancel any further windows updates?
Hallo Alex,
I can’t… because I had formatted the computer and then when I reinstalled win10 from that moment I couldn’t go “back”.
PS In reality when I reinstalled Wavelab it opened normally but the problem was that if I tried to open a wavelab audio file, it closed.
So I opted for the “stratagem” of starting Wavelab indirectly, that is, not by opening the program but by going to a folder and opening an audio file clearly indicating Wavelab as the opening program.
And in that way was all fine.
This way everything opened for me…
BUT, if I tried to save this file with Save as, Wave lab still closed.: ((
So, after reinstalling Aave lab more than once, maybe something “happen” so now the situation has gotten a little worse because I actually can’t open the program at all.
I mean, I click on the Icon, it seems to open, 3 seconds and closes.
This behavior is typical of what happens when a license is not recognized. I know you have said it is not a license issue but maybe you need to go back and ensure that the serial number details you have entered on the re install are correct.
Other than that, I make the observation that the time in a busy studio being lost on this would probably have already ‘paid’ for WL11 Pro.
I acknowledge the plugin that you like but in 20 years limiters … both in WL and third party plugins … have moved on. and significantly improved from my days with a hardware L2.
The other thing about WL 11 is that you can make it look like older versions as it is super customizable. With very little effort, you can configure WL 11 to resemble a familiar workspace.
I am afraid that is all I can really offer.
Good luck.
im not 100% sure and PG maybe able to confirm, but as far as I have found, the cube tec loudness maximizer plugin is pretty much still the old wavelab 4 loudness maximizer plugin, no reason you couldn’t upgrade WL, and purchase that plugin from cube-tec and have the modern solution with your classic plugin you wish to have which may solve your issue
the only other thing to try is compatibility mode and try to run it in the oldest version they allow in the compatibility mode https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/revive-windows-xp-on-windows-10/
but it does sound like windows being windows, and cutting off older software versions, which always happens at some point
Thank you Alex,
You are right … loudnesss maximizer is now owned by Cube tec…
And it should be better then the old one.
It cant be wroste…
Yes… and in other way, like you suggest me, if i really want to use some old stuff i can use a old window also using a virtual machine…
i will check…
Thank you very much : )