Has anyone gotten this error message:
“No valid license has been found on this computer.
WaveLab 8 cannot be started.” I was using my Macbook Pro.
Now I’m on the mac mini. I see my Wavelab 8 in my Steinberg account with serial number.
But, It’s not asking me for that, or giving me that option. A little help please.
I believe the OSX comparability with WL 8 stopped with 10.10-10.11?
Does your system even see the USB dongle?
Year, still working with Windows 95… wonder why all the new good stuff wont install here…
Thanks for the reply Paul. I used the download you sent me for my Wave lab 8. After reinstalling it, I’m still getting this message. (Attached above)
My system does see my iLok dongle but Wave Lab is not on it and has never been in my iLok dongle. I’m pretty sure.
I received wave lab when I was in The Los Angeles Film School and it was working fine. Can you help me?
I am not a licensing expert but:
AFAIK WL 8 required a USB e Licensor to work. Without that you get the message you are seeing.
If you had an educational license, that might have somehow expired and/or the required/supplied e Licensor is now missing…
So I am afraid I can’t help except to say that if you want to continue using this old version, you will probably need to obtain and authorize a e Licensor pretty quickly as support for that is coming to an end.
And there still may be the underlying issue that WL 8 may not run on your current OS
Try to install the Steinberg Download assistant and Steinberg Activation Manager as well. WL8 may not be available there for download, but it may help as it also stores account info.
You can download these from
eLicenser Control Center - License Management - Details & Downloads – Steinberg Support
Steinberg Activation Manager | Steinberg
Steinberg Download Assistant | Steinberg
If you are in the US, Steinberg has chat customer care, where you can address your concern.
But they will still need a USB eLicenser for it to work though
Yes, the OP say he has an ilok dongle, but he says he is also sure WL was not on his dongle. It may be Wavelab LE.
Excellent point. I was assuming it was the full version as it was used in the context of film. But you are likely correct.