Less is always more…hence standardised gesturing is a core way to achieve ui/ux success. Ive done it for a long time…and once muscle memory is in use, its actually a creative support
Please create a stock plugin to remove markers from audio files. Also to remove specific markers if possible - to use on batch processor.
You can already do this in a couple of ways … remove markers from an audio file:
Method 1 Just select the markers in the Markers Tab and a trash can appears. Press the trash can and all selected markers are removed.
Method 2 Select Function from the Marker Tab. Select Delete Selected Markers. A tool box appears. This also allows you to create and save presets.
Not a Batch Processor option though.
The slider was important in what you called Crossfade Looper before, when it became loop tweaker, that slider was gone. The Slider was necessary because that menu was dealing with percentage, and not a definite number.
Thank you for this information. I will have to test more.
Hi PG, the markers are gone in Batch Processing after I uncheck Copy Markers.
Is there any way you could access my support request to Steinberg or can I message you here?
What support request? The only direct road, is here.
I think you are right about Master section; WL never had this option. This feature may be useful only for mastering.
In all DAW, there is option for numerical input and fader. It serves all kinds of people, who want to input numbers or move faders to get what they want.
Wavelab was like Ableton Live catering to two different customers, like how session view worked for DJ and the arrangement view for Composers, Wavelab was for Audio Editors and Mastering Engineers (Editor and Montage). I believe it was more focused on Audio Editing than the later because from the Montage in 6, the multi render option could not render in 24 bit.
Since 7, many features were taken away which should not have happened.
That … along with addition options … is still there.
Here is the dialogue to render each clip of a montage as a separate file giving it the marker title.
I believe version WaveLab 3 was the first with Montage…
nearly 25 years ago!!!
regards S-EH
(post deleted by author)
Markers named in WL 12 new update are read or recognized by WL5 but not WL6.
I make the observation that WL 6 was released in (I think) 2007.
ProTo*ls was at version 7.4 I think.
The OS was Vista.
Not many would have the expectation that Avid would still be supporting PT 7.4 (let alone even getting a response on the forum) so the fact that WL6 works at all … and that the developer has ensured forward comparability in WL12 … is arguably more than we can ask for.
It is generally recognized that resources for development are both scarce and valuable in 2024. Realistically, these will be allocated to future development of WL as opposed to backward comparability.
In making these observations, I can relate to your situation. It took a couple of years before I felt confident enough to leave the rock solid stability, familiarity and workflow of WL9.5. In fact I basically 'skipped 10 altogether and only experimented with 11. But here we are at the WL 12 juncture and it offers too much to think about going back (even though I could definitely still master in 9.5). There comes a time when technology marches on and when that coincides with improvements in workflow, usable features (and stability) then we have to make some hard choices.
I use WL 12 only to write cue markers - which is very advanced (Alt+k) compared to WL6, and to test batch processing and new features. Strangely, even for that, the marker names are not recognized by WL6. I am hoping for all missing features from 6 to come back to switch to new version.
I am very happy working with the old version, except for the e-licenser and bug of all clips in montage rendered by default in 16 bits from the special - render selected clips as independent files.
About the markers, this is universal, and not restricted to any software, I test this with Sound Forge pro trial by writing and naming a few generic markers and the names show up in WL6, while markers written in 12 shows as Marker 1, Marker 2 etc.
I think among what went missing, the below meter and a pair of shoes, are two of those, although I never used them much.
Works in previous version
I agree with you about new features, but I also see many issues users having with new version working flawlessly in old version.
I just discovered for the missing feature in WL not to import multiple file markers into montage - the montage can be used as a Batch Processor to remove Marker from Multiple files.
Kind of similar - I was in contact with support recently. I’ve been using WL Elements 9, and transferred my elicense to a usb dongle in anticipation of the server shutdown.
Now it won’t start or even give me a splash screen with the dongle installed. But WL Elements 8 runs fine with the dongle in. I sent in screen shots of the license.
I ended up dropping the issue, because I figure I’d update at some point.
I’m a little nervous about if an update would run, given the problem though.