Wavelab/Cubase license issues

What exactly does the eLCC show for your Wavelab Elements license?

Do you have the most recent version of the eLCC installed?

Have you done the maintenance tasks in the eLCC?

What shows in your MySteinberg account?

It’s complicated. After being with Steinberg for about 35 years, I’ve got 28 licenses spread across 8 different dongles and computers.
A hopeless mess, so I doubt that even they could sort it out.

It shows 3 WL Elements 9 licenses - none on an elicenser, one on one usb stick, and two on another. One activated in 2022 and two others activated in 2023. The elicenser can’t show me which one is on the dongle I transferred it too though.
I’ve bought several versions of their programs over the years for different reasons. Several licenses were lost or on broken dongles over the years too.

most recent eLLC - yes, maintainance - yes.
My Steinberg account would take 4 or 5 screenshots to show all the licenses.

I’m thinking the new licensing system might turn out to be even worse.
I’ve already got 14 licenses on it (3 of the same thing, that I haven’t even activated yet). And that’s in a much shorter time period.
Anyways - it’s too much for me to sort out, or even bother with.
As long as Cubase Pro and Absolute keep working without trouble, I’m happy.

They are all on an e-Licenser, either Soft or USB.

If you have the license showing in the eLCC, I don’t know why the application won’t launch.

Man, I thought I had a mess of dongles and licenses to update/upgrade. You have me beat … :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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A couple of the computers are old ones I don’t have anymore, and a couple of the usb dongles got broken or lost, but it’s still a bit of a mess.

They offered to do an online computer inspection, but when I had one done several years ago, a license got removed without asking me.
Even though I didn’t use it anymore, I was upset enough that I wouldn’t want them to do it again.

Ya - terminology - I figure if a license goes onto a piece that you stick into a usb slot, I’d just call it a usb license. Better than dongle, I guess.
If it’s just code in your computer, I call it an elicense.

I updated to 12 during the current sale to avoid the hassles.