Wavelab Elements 11 - looking for right version on Mac Mini M1 (Monterey)

Hi, I am relatively new on the M1 platform with my Mac Mini and Mac OS Monterey, and just bought a Wavelab Elements upgrade from 9.5
The whole eLicenser process was quite time consuming but finally I had it installed, just to find out that it does not recognize the internal Audio out and thus does not playback. I then found out that I have installed the Intel version of that program and that there is no option to run it under Rosetta.

Question: Is there another version meant for Apple M1 processors? I can’t seem to find it and the one I have does not work properly with my hardware.
My elicenser software however shows that I have a lincense for Elements 11 on my Computer.


11.0.30 is the latest version and it is not M1 native and therefor, always running in Rosetta mode. I also agree that the eLicenser system is more complicated than it needs to be.

The good news is that within about a week or so, WaveLab 11.1 (Pro and Elements) will be released and will be M1 native, with the option to run in Rosetta mode if you want to for older plugin reasons.

The other good news is that it will use the much simpler new Steinberg Authorization Manager app and for anybody else reading, you can even use WaveLab Pro without the USB dongle once this version is released.

I remember something strange about using the internal audio output with WaveLab 11 but make sure you’re using the latest 11.0.30 version of WaveLab Elements 11 as it may have been fixed in the latest version.

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Thanks, I have the 11.0.30 (build 114) version. I remember when installing Wavelab it asked me whether I want to use the internal Mic from my Studio Display and I clicked yes, however there are no other Audio connections available (like the internal headphone out).
Maybe I will try and install again from scratch.

Yes, also delete your WaveLab Elements preferences folder.

/Users/username/Library/Preferences/WaveLab Elements 11

Apple hides the Library by default now so you have to learn how to show it. If you open the “Go” menu in the Mac Finder, leave it open, and press “Option”, it will appear in the “Go” menu. I suggest saving it as a sidebar favorite.

I don’t really use WaveLab Elements these days (only Pro) but FWIW, I’m currently playing an audio file from the Audio Editor of WaveLab Elements 11.0.30 using the built-in output of my M1 MacBook Pro. So…it should be possible for you though I can’t speak for the Studio Display speakers, only built in Mac speakers and actual audio devices of course.

Giving WaveLab permission to use the “Microphone” is an important initial step, even just for audio playback. There are some articles online about how to prompt MacOS to ask you for these permissions again if you feel like you might have missed that step.

Apple/MacOS security is getting too strict for professional users in my opinion.

That was a helpful hint. I went to settings > security and unchecked the Monitor Microphone from the Wavelab entry, and voilĂ , the internal audio output of my Mac is there now.

All a bit complicated but I will know it for the future.