Wavelab merch?

How about some Wavelab merch? Shirts, hoodies, mugs and hats? The ones for Cubase are (were? they’re no longer there…) great :slight_smile:


I honestly kind of miss boxed software because I often liked the stickers. But, I really don’t understand the desire to pay to advertise for a company.

Companies should have to pay for advertising.

I honestly don’t view it as marketing (well it is, of course, but not in a direct sense), more of a tribal statement. And, my Cubase T-shirt has actually resulted in new friends and a couple of clients. So it may actually be a two-way marketing scheme :smiley:


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Yeah, there is that.

I honestly have ideological issues with treating these things in a “tribal” way. I admit that it happens…I just wish it didn’t.

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