I’ve been using wavelab for a couple of years and I’ve never had this problem before. It suddenly won’t let me save a render because it says the filename is used twice. But I haven’t specified a filename and folder it’s saving to is empty. I’ve tried everything it just won’t let me save. I’ve provided a screenshot of the error message. Any help would be appreciated.
Look at the end of the message: you apparently have two markers with the same name.
Maybe you have a naming scheme? The WaveLab message says the duplicated file is named “24 Bit.wav”.
This must come from somewhere.
Thanks. As you can see in the first screenshot it says “Name unchanged” So I haven’t set up naming in the preset. I’m using the same render preset I use every day and have used for countless jobs without any issues. Unfortunately I’m now stuck with this job where the mastering work is done but I can’t save the wavs. Is there any way out of this dialog that stops me saving? Thanks.
Upload me your .mon file, without any audio, so that I have a look.
While I have not seen this in WL, I have come across something very similarly weird with extracting zip folders with long names to desktop.
The solution was to simply unpack to a different file location.
I guess you have tried rendering these to a location other than desktop?
Even though it says “Unchanged Name” for your Naming Scheme in the Render Ribbon Tab, you should post a screen shot of what that is if you open or edit it so we can see what it’s really doing.
For example, in my setup when I choose “Unchanged Name”, it’s using CD-Text info (not region names) to create the rendered file names. So if no CD-Text is present…that would be an issue.
See attached.
Good remark indeed.
Yes. I also have a similar one called “Unchanged File Name” that just has “Name” as the variable and it appears that would use the Region/Marker Name. See attached.
This might be what @Antiphones wants to do instead.
That’s exactly what it was. Thanks! This was a situation where a client didn’t have the names of the tracks or the album yet but wanted to hear how a mixes would sound mastered and then have me put the names and ISRC in before delivery.