This may be the dumbest question I’ve asked in my time here, but I need the info, so here goes. (takes deep breath)
Is there any way to dig up just the new content in the Dorico 5.1 Help File? Seriously, I’d like to get a summary of at least some pointers “what’s new” from the version 5.0.20 webhelp (or maybe some earlier stopping point, perhaps) to the version 5.1 webhelp. Barring this, a diff file of sorts on the PDF side would be nice.
Am I asking for the impossible here? Just let me know and I’ll crawl back under my rock if so. Thanks for listening.
Ah, if it were only that simple. No, good sir, I’m looking for some way to dig up new and/or changed content in the Dorico 5.1 help file. For example, I learned today that significant new material has been added to the “Tokens” section of the WebHelp. This is information that I can really use, yet I may never have known about because it isn’t fully listed in the Version History file (only part of the new info is listed).
That’s a “What’s New in Dorico,” not a “What’s New in the Manual,” unfortunately. I’m really looking for something more akin to a human-readable diff file, I guess. It’s probably a stupid request, but if someone doesn’t make it…well…sigh, I’ll be the guinea pig, then.
It is quite possible, that the help file isn’t on version 5.1 yet, may be not even on v. 5.0.
That’s why the version history document is the first place to look.
You can tell what version you’re on by looking at the upper left corner of the page you’re on. The pages I’ve checked so far all reference “Dorico Pro 5.1.0” when accessed through my program’s help function. One would assume that the help file has therefore been brought up to date.
Thanks for expressing interest in what’s changed in the manual! Unfortunately there isn’t an easy way to share that, and a hypothetical diff file wouldn’t be all that helpful as I have a terrible habit of making lots of changes, only some of which are worth writing home about.
For example, based on discussions I’ve seen here or in the Facebook group, I might add or remove related links to other topics, add keywords to help search results, shuffle topics around a bit in the table of contents, etc.
Is there anything in particular you’d like to know if there are updates about?
Not necessarily “in particular” - my curiosity is more encyclopedic, I’m afraid. I was hoping that by scanning a “What’s New,” I’d pick up on something really interesting and I would then follow that to learn something new and useful. Sorry to have gone there - I know what it’s like trying to keep a big document up to date, but hardly one of the magnitude that you try to maintain. I should have known it was folly to pursue such a line of inquiry in the first place. Thank you anyway for responding! I do appreciate it.
I know you’ve already dismissed it, but the Version History is the encyclopaedic place to learn pretty much everything interesting, new and useful in Dorico.
It’s usually my first and often my only source for discovering what Dorico can do, and the way it can do them.
It’s always worth asking! And you can hopefully be happy in the knowledge that it cheers me up to know there are people who do actually read the manual, and take knowledge away from doing so.
The “New Features” page in the manual isn’t a bad place to start, as someone else has already suggested: if there’s an area of substantial change in the app, that generally corresponds to changes in the manual, and the most important ones get listed there. You can then follow related links at the bottoms of pages to other interesting-sounding topics and see what you discover that way?