What to do if Cubase project crashes on opening. Only this specific one due to lots of midi likely!

Hey I am only having issues with this one project and Once again I feel at a loss in Cubase.

What can I do to boot this project in a way that might return all my hard work?

Thank you

You can try the following:
1.) Disable 3rd party plug-ins when Cubase starts up.
2.) Post the crashlog/crashdump here, so that it can be checked what’s the reason for the crash, for further assistants.

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OK this got me into the project, as far as I can tell the crahs logs exceed 32,000 chracters and can not be posted in here. What do I need to do with these crash logs? I can not post them here as far as I am aware, unless you can tell me otherwise.

Also what can I do now I have opened this, I want to work on the song! Thank you

Attach the files, don’t paste in the text.

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You can also compress the crashlog file and put it on a file sharing service and post a link here.

Now that you know that a third party plug-in is the reason for the crash, you need to find out which one it is. Either the crashlog gives a hint which one it is, or you need to find it manually.
This you can do by writing down the plug-ins you used in the song. Then move half of them out of their current file location to a temporary location restart Cubase and see if it still crashes when loading the song. If it does, move out again half of the remaining ones to the temporary location. If it does not crash, put back half of the plug-ins in the temporary location. You repeat this until you find the plug-in.

I hope this helps.

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I knew it was reason rack vst as it was failing once that loaded. I wasn’t even using those tracks so just deleted them.

Good to know! Thank you