What would you like to see in Cubase 15?

Under what context would one need 256 VCA channels? Out of curiosity.

Small(-ish) stuff, which I’d rather see in a free 14.x:

  • patterns expanded to properly work for melodic stuff, e.g. with a piano roll, snap to key & scale, chord track follow, etc.
  • modulators to be able to be triggered by the MIDI that’s on the track where the modulator sits,
  • ability to add automation lane for last touched VST parameter, without having to arm the track & have transport running; or having to find it in a huge list of available parameters,
  • more toggles available for keyboard mapping (lots of things require to use two separate shortcut keys to turn them “on” and “off”),

Big stuff:

  • a clip launcher :slight_smile:

An easy peasy “it just works” MIDI Remote process.

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Of course it works just as good.

There’s no magic here! If you’re running 16 separate instruments out of one Kontakt instance, then behind the scenes it runs 16 virtual instances of Kontakt. It’s possible that there’s some RAM saving due to sharing the same graphical assets, but on the flipside DAW will probably allocate those virtual instruments to CPU cores more efficiently than the plugin itself, because it has a full “knowledge” about the CPU load generated by the entirety of the project, not just by the Kontakt plugin.

Having said that - Cubase is as flexible as S1 when it comes to multitimbral plugins. The workflow is just different (which, I concede, might be inferior because it carries a baggage of 35+ years, instead of “just” 15 for S1).

That doesn’t need AI. Actually, using AI would be terribly inefficient and wasteful for that.

Yes, please! :slight_smile:

Hi SomeComposer,

256 VCA tracks are actually quite a lot, even by my standards (considering nesting and large orchestral setups). I had initially hoped for at least double what we had in C13 (which was just 32 and felt limiting), but another user kindly pointed out that this number has been increased to 256 in C14.

With that, we’re definitely covered. :slight_smile:

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Please pay attention to these things! As a devoted fan of Cubase, I beg you!
I also thought about recording a video on YouTube about these requirements, but I’d better write everything here for now!
I’ll go through the points:

1 - When working in a project, even on the highest letency, there are crackles, clicks… Even in the case when the project is not loaded at all and the standard plugins are used! :man_shrugging:
Also, clips, crackles, clicks were detected repeatedly when exporting a track to Wav or another format! After which I had to additionally remove the crackles in other programs! :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:
When I worked for a long time in Cubase 5, there was nothing like this!
I also checked and tested this point on other computers and other equipment!

2 - why does the track with automation written in it play the same way when soloing a track?
Again, this did not happen in Cubase 5! Think about it!

3 - Why did the SEND values ​​stop responding to the mouse wheel?
When you open the effects window, it works just like before! But if you work in the mixer or in general mode, hover the cursor over the left SEND tab, then there is no reaction.
Cubase 12 worked great in this regard!

4 - Some other tabs also stopped responding to the mouse wheel!
For example: In the Export Mixdown window, I can’t change the format from Wav to mp3, trying to change it with the mouse scroll!
In earlier versions of Cubase, everything worked fine!

5 - Bounce: Differences in the 5th and 13th versions (I already wrote about this earlier, but for some reason you ignore it)

6 - Why did you make the EQ mark blue? After all, in all versions the mark was always displayed in green! Why is that?

7 - Stable reading of REX format.
in Cubase 5, never had any problems with this!

8 - Import Audio - When selecting samples, it became inconvenient. Because after listening to one sound in one folder, but when returning to the previous folder, this sample is played again independently of me. This did not happen before!

Feature-Request:pray: :pray: :pray:
1 - It would be great if you made 16 send! It would be super convenient!!!

2 - It would also be great if you added the SIDE and MONO listening buttons to the SuperVision analyzer.

3 - Please make it more convenient to set the color for each window, event, take and other icons.
It will be more convenient to use sliders in HUE mode

4 - for Fade-in & Fade-out in Place!

I would like to suggest you implement the ability to correct the fade on the audio take! It would be very convenient!
For example, so as not to open an additional window and draw a curve there and then press the “Apply” button, it would be ideal to immediately correct the “fade curve” on the take.
P.S. - I made an animation of how it could be!
prev (1)

5 I also created a video especially for you, where I want to offer you a brilliant system for calling a convenient plugin for the user
link for video:

Thank you in advance for this! I really hope that you will pay attention to this, as I could not help but cover these topics! I hope you will succeed!
Happy Holidays to your CUBASE team :innocent:


Could either of you please elaborate?

Ever since the PLE, this has been available. I think there is even an example if you look.

Everyone is going to have their own environment of what and how its implemented. PLE keeps this option open for customisation.

All my different types of tracks have a 3-digit extension so all tracks appear the proper color.

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You can change the colours of all tracks using preferences, but what he is asking is that if the track name has the word Drum in it, it will automatically colour it to whatever colour “Drums” have been configured as, this isn’t possible currently.
Using the logical editor, it’s possible (YT Greg’s link here).

Well, he said its not possible and i think you said in a prior post there might be a way via the Logical editor. Greg Ondos video clearly explains how to achieve this.

If the OP is asking for some type of preference that achieves this identical goal while not using the PLE I highly doubt that would happen.

Do this in the Project Logical Editor not the Logical Editor…two very different editors.

Did you guys see this thread? It’s the list to end all lists!

Thanks for putting that here. I’ve added OP’s requests to the list.

This just jumped in my mind - it would be nice to be able to glue chord events together as a phrase.

It’s a bit of a pain to copy and duplicate them across a project, it would be much nicer to be able to make them phrases and then colour them.