What's the advantage of having Sampler or Drum TRACKS, instead of just devices?

Every other DAW has Sampler(s) or Drum (Machine(s)) as separate devices, that can be placed on any instrument track. Steinberg went the other way, i.e. introduced Sampler Track and Drum Track instead.

Is there any advantage of such setup? Because I can’t see any :thinking:

Quite the opposite actually. For example if I’d start my drum programming with XO or Nepheton VSTs but decided to switch to native Drum Machine, I can’t just swap the device out. The other way around doesn’t work either.

Not a big problem obviously, but I wonder about the design rationale?

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Was wondering the same. In the SOS review of Cubase14 they said that under the hood they are just normal VSTi’s.


Yep I would prefer if they were just normal VST instruments.

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