What's the best way to back up my Cubase settings?

I’ve been working on and off on a color scheme that I like, and all of my preferences are set correctly. I use Cubase from dawn till dusk, and it’s great. I love it.

So, how do I back up all of these settings?

I’m thinking exporting a user profile, but wait for someone to back me up…


Yes, export the Profile.

Be aware the current profile is stored after Cubase quit. So if you do some changes in the preferences and you want to export this current profile (with the changes), you have to quit Cubase first, then start it up, and then store the current profile.

Got it. Thank you.

Not sure where things are kept on a Mac, but for windows one can take a direct brute force approach and keep regular back ups of a few directories…
Check out the stuff in:


You can get easy access to that directory (even if it’s hidden on your system) by simply holding the windows key, pressing r, and typing or pasting that in.

Also be aware of the various directories in your user “Documents” directory that CuBase can make.
VST3 Presets
VST Transit

and of course any locations where you keep your actual projects.

On Mac it’s ~Library/Preferences/Cubase X folder.