What's Wrong With Cubase 8.5.0 vs 8.5.15?

Maybe Steinberg will look at the problem and decide to update the plug manager. Glad that we finally have one in Cubase, but the one in Sonar is superior in that you can name a plug whatever you want in your plug layout, and it doesn’t change the name of the .dll or interfere with the communication between the plug and host. This is something I’d love to see implemented.

I agree a 100% :slight_smile:

I really hope they are looking into expanding the Plugin Manager feature set, including name changing on the plugins.

PS. This is how you can do it in Reaper as well. And in Studio One you can rename directly on the insert slot.

I agree completely that you should do preventive measures where possible, but how do games interfere with this? Do you have any experience? I have 1 solid custom PC with audio and games (mainly Steam games) and did not experience any issues.


I have to admit I have more games than DAW’s installed :slight_smile:
Never had a problem with any (60-70 over the years) of them, all on Steam.
The only thing that I do is a fresh reboot when it’s time to fire up Cubase.