When are keyswitches sent?

Hey team,
Just a quick question: When are keyswitches and controller changes sent in relation to note on and off events?
I’m working on a playback template for a VST instrument, and there are some time sensitive switches to take care of…

Cheers, Benji

There is an option in the Ex Map Playback overrides for how many ticks the expression kicks in before the start of the note, where ‘ticks’ is a ‘very small’ amount of time.

Oddly, I can’t find the matching option in Playback Options that this value overrides…

Literally found it 10, no, 15 seconds ago… :wink:


Posting a question on a forum is the quickest way to discover it yourself immediately afterwards.


Now, if there was an option to offset “Event Off” as well… I have an articulation that needs to trigger while the note sounds and then changes the release tail…


Formally, the steps are:

  1. Run into a matter that must be solved.
  2. Put on your detective hat.
  3. Exhaustively search the Dorico online and pdf manuals.
  4. Recheck your Dorico project settings and all parameters 5 times.
  5. Exhaustively search the Dorico forum for articles and videos.
  6. Recheck your Dorico project settings and all parameters 10 times.
  7. Watch ten 30 minute videos hoping somebody somewhere mentions your problem.
  8. Rinse, repeat for several days, taking breaks to recapture the will to continue.
  9. Throw up your hands, and one day, first thing in the morning give in to posting a query on the Dorico forum.

As soon as you finish your post one of the following will invariably happen:

A. You stumble across something you hadn’t noticed before that makes the solution obvious.
B. The light goes on so you understand something you hadn’t before.
C. Dumb luck.

The life of a DAW or notation-to-VI playback user is 2.5 steps forward followed by 2 steps backward, steps that are often very public and sometimes downright humiliating.

Edited to add:
This is not intended a knock on the Dorico documentation, invariably the fault or oversight is my own.


It’s the same for any discipline that involves problem solving, at least the ones I’ve worked in. Physics, mathematics, 3D/technical art, and programming. When interns and new engineers come to me to talk through a problem they just can’t solve, I have them whiteboard it, and meanwhile I count daises and don’t bother listening. Usually they’ll figure it out in the middle of verbalizing - 90% of the time. I’ll always end by pointing out that the answer was right there in front of them, in the documentation, or error message, in the debugger, in a web search, or just taking the hands off the keyboard and taking stock.

Funny thing about new engineers is they just don’t read the debugger or error message, most of the time that’s the clue, but instead spin around crying about it.

You must know the old joke:

Q: What does a software engineer do when he has a flat tyre?
A: He changes each tyre in turn, and tests to see if it’s fixed.

Q: What does a software engineer do when he runs out of gas?
A: He changes each tyre in turn, and tests to see if it’s fixed.


Haven’t heard that one! lol … too true