Where can I download the 7.5 User Manual

I know the user manual is included on the help section of Cubase. However, I like to use a separate computer for the manual, make it easier to review stuff. With the smaller manuals I can email them to myself and then open on my other computer. The operation manual is to too large to email. Are the manuals located anywhere on the Steinberg site where I can download?

Here is the link to Dropbox folder with all manuals (english only) included in 7.5. Enjoy! =)

Don’t forget you can always delete the languages and blank pages that you don’t need from these manuals!

The manual hasn’t been revised since C7 so from the bottom of the download page for C7 you can download the docs.

Oops, missed that. )

Now we all have a choice, where to go for download.

I also uploaded pdf with new features in 7.5 and the manual for Groove Agent SE.