Where is the 4Knob PopD program?

I just bought the 4Knob PopD piano and installed it. I can find it and use it in Halion/Halion SE but I miss the user interface or the program interface where you can alter settings and that has a picture of the piano. Does anybody know how to access it or where it is?

Is there a VST or a dll that that has ended up somewhere where it shouldn’t be or what?

Running Nuendo 11 with a Tascam US16x08 on an Intel computer with 16GB of RAM.

I don’t have the 4Knob PopD piano specifically, but usually in Halion it is under the MACRO button. And in Halion Sonic it’s typically under the EDIT button.

In theory the plugin should be in the folders you selected during the installation process.

Thank you Nico. There it was. Under the Macro button. Thought I had looked there but obviously I hadn’t.

Thanks again. Keep safe.

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