White notation and unmeasured preludes

I know this topic has been on this forum before, but it seems that was in 2021, so things might have been changed since then.
Since I am playing a lot of early music, and are especially fond of the early French baroque music, I have made, and planned to do some more, arrangements of Louis and Francois Couperin and other composers of that era.
There are (at least) two special notation issues in this music, there is the “white notation” as in Les Folies francoises (13e ordre) by F Couperin, where in some variations (5th) he uses white noteheads.

And there are the unmeasured preludes by for instance L Couperin, where there are no bars, and mostly white notes.

As I understand the solution was to make your own notehead set, but maybe in Dorico 5 there are more, or simpler solutions for this?

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No, I don’t think D5 has really new possibilities in this regard. Creating a white notehead set is the way to go. For the unmeasured prélude you can use open metre and set note spacing quite narrow. Creating the slurs and ties as in the example will require a lot of tweaking, but I think it’s possible.

Thanks, will try to create such a set.
And with regard to the slurs, that’s why I purchased the Pro version, there it must be possible I think.
BTW these examples were done with Musescore 3.

Well, speaking as a harpsichordist very familiar with LC, you are going to need this:

You are going to need a few strong coffees to tweak all those dozens of slurs, which are done with LV ties in engrave mode. And obviously the white notes in the unmeasured preludes are trivial, and just done in open meter.

November 2 font has most of the French Baroque keyboard ornaments you need. [But don’t expect them to play back.]

I hope you are not going to ‘arrange’ LC and FC as you said, but rather, produce an edition.

LV are ties, not slurs.

I know. I am speaking loosely. But they are the way to notate the LC measured preludes, and in that context they are not ties or slurs, but illustrative signifiers.

@JeroenH Are you aware of this scholarly edition, just by the way? Not everybody knows of this press.

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Specifying the proper Dorico terminology is much more helpful to those looking to search the manual.

So I was right in my thought that you need the Pro version for this, good to hear that!
No need for a new edition IMHO, I already have 4! The old L’oiseau Lyre by Brunold, the version by Davitt Moroney and the Colin Tilney edition of ALL unmeasured preludes, which has both the MS and an edition…
Yes I know the Lirebird press, obviously named after the L’oiseau Lyre, but most music they have in their catalogue I already have!
In fact I already have made an arrangement, but for the carillon (besides harpsichordist I am also carillonist) as a test if that works, and yes it works very fine, but for this you sometimes have to transpose, or alter notes, so therefore I need the digital version. Strictly speaking you do not need these ties/slurs because bells do not have any damping, but it looks much better, as you say “illustrative signifiers”.
And yes I already found the November font, and will purchase that shortly, but first want to understand how in Dorico these things work, and playback is not my main concern, I will play the music by myself for real, much more fun!
I do not think that the white notes are trivial, L Couperin uses only the white whole notes, but other composers (d’Anglebert for instance, or Rameau) use also black notes in diverse variants, so that means something!

What I mean is the white notes are just ordinary notes, so trivially easy. I am only speaking about the Preludes. The other usage is non-trivial.

So I edited my post to say ties so nobody will get confused in the future.