I just upgraded from Cubase 13 to Nuendo 13 (on Mac). I am trying to setup System Preferences but I can’t read any of the options - white text on a light grey background. Any one have any idea how to fix this? (I would also kinda like my volume meters to be green rather than red, I can see some preferences to control that but I would like it to look just like Cubase and can’t find a preset for that.)
Hi Alan,
Can’t speak to the white text on grey background, it annoys me too… LOL.
As to the meters, under the main Nuendo menu / Preferences, about midway down the list is the Metering appearance preference. In this one, you can click on the tiny colors beside the large meter, and a color swatch appears, then you just click around on that to get to the color you want.
See screenshots.
Thanks for the tip! Oh, I wish I had your nice dark-grey-with-light-text preferences screen, though. How do you get that? Mine looks like the below. Worse, last night the text on the light grey background that is currently black showed as white a.k.a. unreadable without serious squinting. I will check to see if it happens again in the evening, I wonder if it is related to the ‘Auto’ setting as per my screenshot and is reacting (inappropriately) to Macbook Dark Mode?
As a newbie to Nuendo, I have just done a side-by-side of the Preferences for Cubase 13 as per my current system, vs Nuendo. Essentially, everything in Cubase is also in Nuendo, and Nuendo has a few more preferences (including control of what is seen in the Menu system itself). To get back to my Cubase-like experience, I had to pay particular attention to Metering / Appearance, and to Track Type Default Colours. Annoyingly, copy/paste of colour settings doesn’t work across the two apps, so you have to set each colour by hand. I also had to remember to re-import my MIDI remotes. Otherwise it has picked up and appears to work with my Cubase files no problem (phew!).
That would be “dark mode” in MacOS itself.
Ok, that was weird. Last night (my first night with Nuendo), I got half-dark-mode: white text on light grey background. Tonight its normal. No idea.
I’m on a MacBook Pro, and have the system set to “dark” mode. It does make things better. If you’re on a PC, I am sure you can change your system display settings somewhere.
This thing I found when installing Nuendo I am fairly sure is a bug, actually, that is still present in Cubase 14.10.
When your Mac changes to dark mode while Cubase was opened (already in Light mode) the dialogue boxes, on my system, don’t fully follow along. The font goes white but the back colour of the buttons etc stay light grey, aka unreadable text.
Either something is very odd on my system or thhis is a bug - I’ve reported it to Steinberg support.
Pics show what happens: correct dialog box if Nuendo/Cubase open nicely already in Dark Mode, vs what happens if the OS flips to Dark Mode when Cubase was already open.
I’ve seen similar stuff when the mac transitions by itself to a different mode. Thus why I end up always turning off anything like that, including “dynamic backgrounds” and screensavers etc. Glad you are finding a “why” this bug is happening. It may or may not be exclusive to Cubendo.
PS Happy New Year!