Don’t agree with KrysZ. MIDI editing is not important. This is a backing track PLAYER.
You lose the point of VST Live, for backing tracks you can use Winamp
BTW when I think about program for live performance and I tried to make many ‘usable enviroments’ within DAW’s (like in Cubase with Arranger tracks or live chord play etc.) I always think about my YAMAHA arranger keyboard (I use PSR-s950) where everything is placed on finger tip, I can easly skip the part I want, end it, fill it, break, fast change style, grab another voice to play, make splits or put sound layers etc. You should have in mind this usability and VST Live is quite in good direction really…
Thanks. learn/remote coming too.
Yep, KrysZ. The things you could do with your Yamaha keyboard is among the thing that VST Live is for. And your Yamaha couldn’t edit MIDI. And Winamp can’t do either .
Wrong again, let’s check SX900 in this exact moment of video - Yamaha style creation tutorial Part 1 - Style creator overview - YouTube
It’s not the DAW style but you can edit midi and we talking about 2022 new on market aplication for future use and you downgrade it to media player.
Haha. Ok .
Unfortunately even my experience with version 1.0.20 is not such that it can work.
I list some of the things I was unable to resolve:
The Midi inputs of my Midi card (ESI M4U XL) are not remembered when I open the same project
The same goes for the audio outputs (I have dele sequences, a total of 4-5 stereo audio tracks that I want to assign to a different output of the sound card -Presonus studiolive 24R III-)
The configuration of the physical outputs is not immediately reflected in the mixer, you need to restart the program
In audio tracks: When selecting the output it does not show which output is currently selected, this can be very confusing in more complex projects
Midi Panic, if pressed, it works too well In fact, you need to restart the app to be able to hear something again
If I mistakenly remove the output of a VSTi (choosing ) I cannot understand how to reactivate it because the channel disappears from the mixer.
Maybe right now I’m in too much of a hurry, but for my humble opinion and for my needs at the moment the app is not usable … and it’s a real shame, because I really need it.
I have to resort to using Cubase again for my live performances
These are absolutely not critical to developers, on the contrary! I strongly believe in Live and I hope it will be perfected and made stable and reliable
I thinks VL is ment for live performing not for mixing or editing music, I guess there are other priorities.
OF course we´d love to have some basic editing options.
My impressions of it so far, with crashes out of the blue, bizarre and confounding user interface, that it is not ready for prime time. I’m not even going to show it to anyone else until much of this is worked out. The concept is great - the fit and finish is a mess. If you have used it live and it was helpful, you are a trooper! Good work. I’m confounded to get one working song put together - it is tedious beyond my most pessimistic expectations.
Works fine here. If you are willing to, you can PM me your vlprj file (no content, just the project file) and we can have a closer look. The devices have to be active when you load a project.
Yes sorry, fixed in 1.0.30. Don’t need to restart though, you can re-assign the bus.
Cannot reproduce. Do you have other MIDI devices connected than ESI? Which plugins are connected when that happens?
You cannot even remove an instrument channel, how did you do that? Or what you mean by “choosing”, where?
Thanks for your support!
First of all thanks for your reply, this is VERY welcome !!
Unfortunately I cannot attach the project, because I have deleted it.
I try to explain what happens.
In the “connections> MIDI” screen:
I created two MIDI inputs assigned to input 1 and 2 of my ESI, I entered the names (Keyboard 1. Keuboard 2).
and I created a MIDI output assigned to output 1
When I reopen the program, by chance, it does not remember the names of the MIDI ports and the Outs become 4
In the “Connections> AUDIO” screen:
I created 6 stereo outputs, and named each one, and assigned different channels of my Presonus sound card.
When I reopen the program I find some more output that I have not created
When I reopen the program both the MIDI card and the sound card are connected correctly.
Here is something I don’t understand at the architectural level:
if in this process I create the Audio / Midi inputs and outputs that I need, why does it also propose me to choose between all the ports I have and which have not been “created” in Devices> Connections both in the layers and in the mixer?
In my opinion, for a matter of eye comfort, in Layers and in the mixer it should ONLY show the ports I created. (a very long drop-down menu is very uncomfortable to see).
Song 1 - Part 1
I import the audio tracks, I select the outputs I have created and here the first problems arise with the names … in some cases they do not correspond with the names I have assigned to the audio outputs, it seems that there remains a trace somewhere of names assigned in projects previous.
Also, in my opinion, here it is essential that there is some sort of inspector or space that shows the outputs used by each Audio track.
LAYERS section
Song 1 - Part 1
(Here a small request: it would be useful to be able to have a part WITHOUT any layer assigned)
I create a Layer assigned to a vst Instruments, let’s use Halionsonic for example.
In addition to the Midi he stopped playing the audio tracks, and everything and nothing produced any sound, not even trying to play only the audio tracks. now I have deselected “Panic reset audio device”, but I even had to restart the computer to be able to hear something more.
There were no other MIDI devices connected, the only virtual instruments present at that time was Halionsonic (not SE)
In addition to the Midi he stopped playing the audio tracks, and everything and nothing produced any sound, not even trying to play only the audio tracks. now I have deselected “Panic reset audio device”, but I even had to restart the computer to be able to hear something more.
There were no other MIDI devices connected, the only virtual instruments present at that time was Halionsonic (not SE)
When I go into the mixer if in the upper part where I can select the output I accidentally press “nc” the channel with the DISAPPEAR fader and I can’t understand how to re-assign the output, because the channel strip no longer exists.
Hope this helps, Thanks !!!
Presumably those are the default inputs/outputs as set in the Hub? If you don’t open a project, those are default. Same for outputs. If you save and reload a project, it should have remembered what you set when you saved that project, no?
It is a convenience function, I have not yet understood connections and want to assign an existing hardware port and it doesn’t appear in the list so what should I do now…it can certainly be argued.
More later…
One by one…
Wow - but who would do that
That’s certainly a bug, will be fixed in 1.0.30, sorry and thanks for reporting!
I’m a semi-pro keyboard player now using VST Live. I’ve done two gigs with VST Live so far and I’m planning on using it for at least the rest of the year. I’ll try to update here on how it goes. So far, I’m mostly happy with it and I see some huge future potential. I’m replacing Mainstage. Mainstage does more but it also uses drastically (4x) more CPU on similar sounding patches.
I find VST Live to be stable after I’m done creating my sounds. Certain plugins aren’t happy with VST Live on my system. They are usually the same ones unhappy on Mainstage on my machine. I can’t get the software to crash unless I use a plugin that is unstable.
I have been experiencing a weird issue where the layers I have set to a zone are off by one note after I save the session and open it again.
I had a deal-breaking issue right away when I got the software that prevented my main VST (Native Instruments Kontakt) from functioning correctly. It was patched incredibly quickly. If all the major issues / feature needs are implemented anywhere near that fast this will be the greatest software for live performance in short order.
You mean they sounded off? There are several places where you can modify Layer pitch:
a) Layer octave and transpose
b) track transpose if Layer is connected to a track, and finally
c) Edit/Preferences/Layers/Global Transpose - which comes in handy when the guitar player devides “oh let’s just tune a semitone down”
Zones are just filters and shouldn’t alter pitch at all. If the problem persists, pls try to provide step-by-step instructions how to reproduce, or send a VST Live project file (just the .vlprj file, no content).
a big bug is the video player that does not work, for those like me who had purchased the program for that function can not use it in live
all video issues should be fixed with 1.0.30 coming very soon.
The pitch does not change. If I set a zone to be A0-D2 for example, the zone will be A0-C#2 when I re-open the session.
Just tested: new project, add Layer, Keyzones, select Layer 1, set to A0 to D2, save, load, all is well. Are there more specifics in your case? Is it repeatable, and do you have a step-by-step receipt to do so?
I moved from Logic to Cubase last year and I love it. I’m wondering if VST Live might be a viable alternative to MainStage. MainStage has three really big things that I depend on:
- Can handle complex parallel processing (multiple sends to multiple FX channels each with multiple effects, some sending to each other)
- Spread parallel processing and different VIs across multiple CPU cores
- Allows non-linear controller processing (draw controller ramps in any shape, reverse controllers, one controller affecting multiple parameters each with a different ramp shape etc…)
- Can instantly load different patches containing completely different parallel processing.
- Very CPU efficient even with latency set low.
Can VST Live do all of the above and does it excel in these areas?